我需要一种方法来从家里的开发人员计算机连接到 Microsoft Azure 虚拟机上的 SQL Server 分析服务默认实例.我知道我只能使用 Windows 身份验证连接到分析服务,我一直无法弄清楚.但是,我设法使用 SQL Server 身份验证连接到 SQL Server 数据库引擎.
I need a way to connect to an SQL Server Analysis Service default instance on Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine from my developer computer at home. I understand that i can only connect to Analysis Service using Windows Authentication and i haven't been able to figure that out. However, i managed to connect to the SQL Server Database Engine using SQL Server Authentication.
这是我设置 Azure 环境的方式:
This is how i have Azure environment is setup:
为了使用 SQL Server 身份验证设置与 SQL Server 数据库引擎的连接,我在 Microsoft Azure 管理门户中创建了一个端点,端口 1433 用于私有,一个随机端口用于公共.我在端口 2383 上对 Analysis Service 执行了相同的过程,但仍然没有运气.如果没有这种连接,我认为我将无法部署 BI Cube.
To setup my connection to SQL Server Database Engine using SQL Server Authentication, i created an Endpoint in Microsoft Azure Management Portal with port 1433 for private, and a random port for public. I have done the same process for Analysis Service on port 2383 but still no luck. Without this connection, i don't think i will be able to deploy BI Cubes.
如何设置我的虚拟机,以便能够使用 SQL Management Studio 和/或 Visual Studio 2013 连接到 Analysis Service?任何帮助或建议将不胜感激.
How can i setup my Virtual Machine so that i will be able to connect to Analysis Service using SQL Management Studio and or Visual Studio 2013? Any help or suggestions will be appreciated.
因为 Analysis Services 使用 AD 帐户,因为您的开发人员计算机与运行 Analysis Services 的 VM 不在同一域中,您将需要使用 runas 工具使用/netonly 参数运行 Visual Studio 或 SQL Mgmt Studio 等应用程序,以便您可以正确进行身份验证.
Because Analysis Services works with AD accounts, as your developer machine is not on the same domain as the VM running Analysis Services, you will need to use the runas tool with the /netonly parameter to run the applications such as Visual Studio or SQL Mgmt Studio so that you can be authenticated correctly.
When I need to do this, I create a shortcut on my desktop with the command as follows:
When you run the short cut you will get a command prompt that will ask you for the password for the account you are running as and then the program will open.
From there you can use it normally
这篇关于如何使用开发人员计算机连接到 Azure VM SQL Server 分析服务实例的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!