Dim myconn As New SqlConnection("Server=server,Trusted_Connection=True,Database=database")
'selects from mt table linking the current pc to a row
Dim sql As String = "SELECT * from idset " & vbcrlf &
"Where pcname= '" & pcname & "'"
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(sql, myconn)
da.Fill(ds, "Setup")
txtClientID.DataBindings.Add("text", ds.Tables("idset"), "CLID")
I don't know why its not working for some reason its not filling the data set did I declare something wrong?
它不起作用的原因是因为您指定传入的表应映射到名为 Setup
的表.您的数据集不包含名为 Setup
The reason why it don't work is because you specify that the incoming table should be mapped to a table named Setup
. Your data set doesn't contain a table named Setup
, so the incoming table will be named... well, Setup
da.Fill(ds, "idset")
Also, I strongly suggest you:
- 在 上设置 选项严格
- 始终使用参数化/准备a> SQL 查询.
- 在处理一次性对象时,始终使用 Using 语句.
- Set option strict on
- Always use parameterized/prepared SQL queries.
- Always use the Using statement when working with disposable objects.
调试绑定的最佳方法是使用 BindingSource 并处理 BindingComplete 事件.
The best way to debug bindings is to use a BindingSource and handle the BindingComplete event.
Private bs As BindingSource
Private ds As DataSet
Private Sub Initialize(pcname As String)
Me.ds = New DataSet()
Using connection As New SqlConnection("Server=server,Trusted_Connection=True,Database=database")
Using command As New SqlCommand()
command.Connection = connection
command.CommandText = "SELECT * from [idset] Where [pcname] = @pcname;"
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pcname", pcname)
Using adapter As New SqlDataAdapter(command)
adapter.Fill(Me.ds, "idset")
End Using
End Using
End Using
Me.bs = New BindingSource(Me.ds, "idset")
AddHandler bs.BindingComplete, AddressOf Me.HandleBindingCompleted
Me.txtClientID.DataBindings.Add("Text", Me.bs, "CLID")
End Sub
Private Sub HandleBindingCompleted(sender As Object, e As BindingCompleteEventArgs)
If (Not e.Exception Is Nothing) Then
End If
End Sub