Ok, I think I might be overlooking something obvious/simple here... but I need to write a query that returns only records that match multiple criteria on the same column...
My table is a very simple linking setup for applying flags to a user ...
ID contactid flag flag_type
118 99 Volunteer 1
119 99 Uploaded 2
120 100 Via Import 3
121 100 Volunteer 1
122 100 Uploaded 2
等...在这种情况下,您会看到联系人 99 和 100 都被标记为志愿者"和已上传"...
etc... in this case you'll see both contact 99 and 100 are flagged as both "Volunteer" and "Uploaded"...
我需要能够做的是仅返回那些与通过搜索表单输入的多个条件匹配的 contactid...contactid 必须匹配所有选择的标志...在我的脑海中,SQL 应该类似于:
What I need to be able to do is return those contactid's ONLY that match multiple criteria entered via a search form...the contactid's have to match ALL chosen flags... in my head the SQL should look something like:
SELECT contactid
WHERE flag = 'Volunteer'
AND flag = 'Uploaded'...
but... that returns nothing... What am I doing wrong here?
你可以使用 GROUP BY
SELECT contact_id
FROM your_table
WHERE flag IN ('Volunteer', 'Uploaded', ...)
GROUP BY contact_id
HAVING COUNT(*) = 2 -- // must match number in the WHERE flag IN (...) list
(假设 contact_id, flag
(assuming contact_id, flag
is unique).
SELECT T1.contact_id
FROM your_table T1
JOIN your_table T2 ON T1.contact_id = T2.contact_id AND T2.flag = 'Uploaded'
-- // more joins if necessary
WHERE T1.flag = 'Volunteer'
If the list of flags is very long and there are lots of matches the first is probably faster. If the list of flags is short and there are few matches, you will probably find that the second is faster. If performance is a concern try testing both on your data to see which works best.
这篇关于在同一列上使用多个 WHERE 条件进行选择的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!