MySQL 外键的基础知识?

Basics of Foreign Keys in MySQL?(MySQL 外键的基础知识?)
本文介绍了MySQL 外键的基础知识?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


关于如何使用 MySQL 的外键结构有什么好的解释吗?

Is there any good explanation of how to use MySQL's foreign key construct?

我不太了解 MySQL 文档本身.到目前为止,我一直在处理诸如带有连接和编程代码的外键之类的事情.

I don't quite get it from the MySQL docs themselves. Up until now I've been handling things like foreign keys with joins and programming code.

问题的第二部分,使用 MySQL 的内置外键是否有任何改进?

And the second part of the question, are there any improvements to be made by using MySQL's inbuilt foreign keys?


FOREIGN KEYS 只需确保您的数据一致即可.

FOREIGN KEYS just ensure your data are consistent.


They do not improve queries in sense of efficiency, they just make some wrong queries fail.


CREATE TABLE employee (id INT NOT NULL, dept_id INT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (dept_id) REFERENCES department(id))


, then you cannot delete a department if it has some employee's.

如果您将 ON DELETE CASCADE 提供给 FOREIGN KEY 定义,则引用行将与引用行一起自动删除.

If you supply ON DELETE CASCADE to the FOREIGN KEY definition, the referencing rows will be deleted automatically along with the referenced ones.

作为约束,FOREIGN KEY 实际上会稍微减慢查询速度.

As a constraint, FOREIGN KEY actually slows down the queries a little.


Extra checking needs to be performed when deleting from a referenced table or inserting into a referencing one.

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