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      1. MySQL:ALTER IGNORE TABLE 给出“完整性约束违规";

        MySQL: ALTER IGNORE TABLE gives quot;Integrity constraint violationquot;(MySQL:ALTER IGNORE TABLE 给出“完整性约束违规;)

      2. <i id='zhZMz'><tr id='zhZMz'><dt id='zhZMz'><q id='zhZMz'><span id='zhZMz'><b id='zhZMz'><form id='zhZMz'><ins id='zhZMz'></ins><ul id='zhZMz'></ul><sub id='zhZMz'></sub></form><legend id='zhZMz'></legend><bdo id='zhZMz'><pre id='zhZMz'><center id='zhZMz'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='zhZMz'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='zhZMz'><tfoot id='zhZMz'></tfoot><dl id='zhZMz'><fieldset id='zhZMz'></fieldset></dl></div>

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                1. 本文介绍了MySQL:ALTER IGNORE TABLE 给出“完整性约束违规";的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  我正在尝试使用 ALTER IGNORE TABLE + 一个唯一键从 MySQL 表中删除重复项.MySQL 文档说:

                  I'm trying to remove duplicates from a MySQL table using ALTER IGNORE TABLE + an UNIQUE KEY. The MySQL documentation says:

                  IGNORE 是标准 SQL 的 MySQL 扩展.如果新表中的唯一键存在重复项,或者在启用严格模式时出现警告,它会控制 ALTER TABLE 的工作方式.如果未指定 IGNORE,则复制将中止并在出现重复键错误时回滚.如果指定了 IGNORE,则只有第一行用于在唯一键上具有重复项的行.其他冲突行被删除.不正确的值被截断为最接近匹配的可接受值.

                  IGNORE is a MySQL extension to standard SQL. It controls how ALTER TABLE works if there are duplicates on unique keys in the new table or if warnings occur when strict mode is enabled. If IGNORE is not specified, the copy is aborted and rolled back if duplicate-key errors occur. If IGNORE is specified, only the first row is used of rows with duplicates on a unique key. The other conflicting rows are deleted. Incorrect values are truncated to the closest matching acceptable value.


                  When I run the query ...

                  ALTER IGNORE TABLE table ADD UNIQUE INDEX dupidx (field)

                  ...我仍然收到错误 #1062 - 键 'dupidx' 的重复条目 'blabla'.

                  ... I still get the error #1062 - Duplicate entry 'blabla' for key 'dupidx'.


                  IGNORE 关键字扩展到 MySQL 似乎有一个 某些版本的 MySQL 上的 InnoDB 版本中的错误.

                  The IGNORE keyword extension to MySQL seems to have a bug in the InnoDB version on some version of MySQL.

                  您总是可以转换为 MyISAM,忽略添加索引,然后转换回 InnoDB

                  You could always, convert to MyISAM, IGNORE-ADD the index and then convert back to InnoDB

                  ALTER TABLE table ENGINE MyISAM;
                  ALTER IGNORE TABLE table ADD UNIQUE INDEX dupidx (field);
                  ALTER TABLE table ENGINE InnoDB;


                  Note, if you have Foreign Key constraints this will not work, you will have to remove those first, and add them back later.

                  这篇关于MySQL:ALTER IGNORE TABLE 给出“完整性约束违规";的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Can#39;t Create Entity Data Model - using MySql and EF6(无法创建实体数据模型 - 使用 MySql 和 EF6)
                  MySQL select with CONCAT condition(MySQL选择与CONCAT条件)
                  Capitalize first letter of each word, in existing table(将现有表格中每个单词的首字母大写)
                  How to retrieve SQL result column value using column name in Python?(如何在 Python 中使用列名检索 SQL 结果列值?)
                  Update row with data from another row in the same table(使用同一表中另一行的数据更新行)
                  Exporting results of a Mysql query to excel?(将 Mysql 查询的结果导出到 excel?)
                2. <small id='N59k2'></small><noframes id='N59k2'>

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