我最近在 Windows 2003 上安装了 MySQL 5 并尝试配置一个实例.一切正常,直到我进入应用安全设置",此时它给了我上述错误(无法连接到'localhost'(10061)
I recently installed MySQL 5 on Windows 2003 and tried configuring an instance. Everything worked fine until I got to "Applying Security settings", at which point it gave me the above error (Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)
我的防火墙中有一个用于MySQL 服务器"的端口 3306 异常.
I do have a port 3306 exception in my firewall for 'MySQL Server'.
您可能必须向用户授予对表的localhost"权限.请参阅 'GRANT'
语法文档.这是一个示例(来自一些 C 源代码).
You'll probably have to grant 'localhost' privileges to on the table to the user. See the 'GRANT'
syntax documentation. Here's an example (from some C source).
授予 %s 上的所有权限.* 给由 '%s' 标识的'%s'@'localhost'";
"GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON %s.* TO '%s'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '%s'";
这是 MySQL 最常见的访问问题.
That's the most common access problem with MySQL.
Other than that, you might check that the user you have defined to create your instance has full privileges, else the user cannot grant privileges.
Also, make sure the mysql service is started.
Make sure you don't have a third party firewall or Internet security service turned on.
除此之外,MySQL 论坛有几个页面专门讨论这个问题:http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?11,9293,9609#msg-9609
Beyond that, there's several pages of the MySQL forum devoted to this: http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?11,9293,9609#msg-9609
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