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        Foreign key to one of many tables?(许多表之一的外键?)

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                • 本文介绍了许多表之一的外键?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  The usual way of setting a foreign key constraint is to choose which table the foreign key will point to.

                  我在 1 个表和一组表之间存在多态关系.

                  I'm having a polymorphic relation between 1 table and a set of table.


                  That means that this table will have a relation with one of those tables in the set.


                  images: person_id, person_type
                  subordinates: id, col1, col2...col9
                  products: id, colA, colB...colZ


                  In the above example, if person_type is "subordinates" then person_id should be a foreign key to subordinates.id and the same goes with products.


                  So I wonder, is it possible to have a foreign key to one of many tables, or do you have to specifically set which table it points to when you assign one.

                  这个问题是针对 MySQL 和 PostgreSQL 的.

                  This question is for both MySQL and PostgreSQL.




                  No, a foreign key constraint always references exactly one parent table.


                  This question comes up frequently. Here are some of my past answers to it:

                  • 为什么多态关联中不能有外键吗?
                  • 可以为两个可能的表之一设置 MySQL 外键吗?
                  • 在同一列中引用外键
                  • 在 StackOverflow 克隆中,Comments 表应该与 Questions and Answers 有什么关系?
                  • MySQL - 条件外键约束
                  • 如何处理ERD(表格)设计中的OR"关系?
                  • MySQL:两个 n:1 关系,但不能同时使用
                  • Why can you not have a foreign key in a polymorphic association?
                  • Possible to do a MySQL foreign key to one of two possible tables?
                  • Referencing foreign keys in the same column
                  • In a StackOverflow clone, what relationship should a Comments table have to Questions and Answers?
                  • MySQL - Conditional Foreign Key Constraints
                  • How to handle an "OR" relationship in an ERD (table) design?
                  • MySQL: Two n:1 relations, but not both at once

                  有关多态关联的更多信息,请参阅我的演示文稿 Practical Object-SQL 中的面向模型 或我的书 SQL 反模式:避免数据库编程的陷阱.

                  For more on Polymorphic Associations, see my presentation Practical Object-Oriented Models in SQL or my book, SQL Antipatterns: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Database Programming.




                  Bogus foreign key constraint fail(虚假外键约束失败)
                  how to get last insert id after insert query in codeigniter active record(如何在codeigniter活动记录中插入查询后获取最后一个插入ID)
                  Force InnoDB to recheck foreign keys on a table/tables?(强制 InnoDB 重新检查表/表上的外键?)
                  How to auto generate migrations with Sequelize CLI from Sequelize models?(如何使用 Sequelize CLI 从 Sequelize 模型自动生成迁移?)
                  Clear MySQL query cache without restarting server(无需重启服务器即可清除 MySQL 查询缓存)
                  ALTER TABLE to add a composite primary key(ALTER TABLE 添加复合主键)

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