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      1. MySQL 从一个数据库插入另一个数据库

        MySQL Insert Into from one Database in another(MySQL 从一个数据库插入另一个数据库)

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                  本文介绍了MySQL 从一个数据库插入另一个数据库的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  I need to migrate data from one Database to another one, both are on the same local system.


                  The tables and columns got different names and I mustn't migrate all the Columns from the old Database, so

                  Select * 对我不起作用.

                  INSERT INTO newDatabase.table1(Column1, Column2);
                  SELECT oldDatabase.table1(column1, column2) FROM oldDatabase.table1

                  但我得到的只是一个#1064 - 语法错误


                  What is the error in my Query and How can i fix this ?




                  Your query should go like this:

                  INSERT INTO newDatabase.table1 (Column1, Column2) 
                  SELECT column1, column2 FROM oldDatabase.table1;



                  Since this answer is getting more attention than I even anticipated, I should expand on this answer. First of all, it might not be obvious from the answer itself, but the columns do not need to have the same name. So, following will work too (assuming that the columns exist in their respective tables):

                  INSERT INTO newDatabase.table1 (Column1, Column2) 
                  SELECT SomeOtherColumn, MoreColumns FROM oldDatabase.table1;


                  Furthermore, they don't even need to be real columns in the table. One of the examples for transforming data that I use quite often is:

                  INSERT INTO newDatabase.users (name, city, email, username, added_by) 
                  SELECT CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name), 'Asgard', CONCAT(first_name,'@gmail.com'), CONCAT(first_name,last_name), 'Damir' FROM oldDatabase.old_users;

                  因此,现在可能更明显了,规则是,只要 SELECT 查询返回与 INSERT 查询所需的列数相同的列数,就可以使用它来代替 VALUES.

                  So, as it might be more obvious now, the rule is, as long as the SELECT query returns same number of columns that INSERT query needs, it can be used in place of VALUES.

                  这篇关于MySQL 从一个数据库插入另一个数据库的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Bogus foreign key constraint fail(虚假外键约束失败)
                  how to get last insert id after insert query in codeigniter active record(如何在codeigniter活动记录中插入查询后获取最后一个插入ID)
                  Force InnoDB to recheck foreign keys on a table/tables?(强制 InnoDB 重新检查表/表上的外键?)
                  How to auto generate migrations with Sequelize CLI from Sequelize models?(如何使用 Sequelize CLI 从 Sequelize 模型自动生成迁移?)
                  Clear MySQL query cache without restarting server(无需重启服务器即可清除 MySQL 查询缓存)
                  ALTER TABLE to add a composite primary key(ALTER TABLE 添加复合主键)
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