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    2. <tfoot id='zJsNg'></tfoot>
    3. 我可以用纯 mysql 解决这个问题吗?(加入一列中的 ';' 分隔值)

      Can I resolve this with pure mysql? (joining on #39;;#39; separated values in a column)(我可以用纯 mysql 解决这个问题吗?(加入一列中的 ; 分隔值))

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                本文介绍了我可以用纯 mysql 解决这个问题吗?(加入一列中的 ';' 分隔值)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                To make a long story short: I have data in several tables that I need to grab together, I have simplified them for the purpose of not having to draw a huge table.

                我需要在一个查询中执行此操作,但我无法使用 PHP 或任何其他语言来处理结果.(如果我可以简单地解决这个问题,我会使用 PHP)

                I need to do so in one query, and I can't use PHP or any other langauge to work with the results. (I would have used PHP if I could to simply work my way around this)

                如果我有一个将 t1 行连接到 t2 的链接表,这不会是一个问题,但不幸的是我没有也不能引入一个.

                This wouldn't have been an issue if I were to have a link table that connects the t1 rows to t2 but unfortunately I don't and can't introduce one either.

                User table: (alias t1)
                user(varchar 150),resources(varchar 250)
                | user1 | 1;2;4 |
                | user2 | 2     |
                | user3 | 3;4   |
                Resources table: (alias t2)
                id(int 11 AI), data(text)
                | 1 | data1 |
                | 2 | data2 |
                | 3 | data3 |
                | 4 | data4 |
                | 5 | data5 |


                Multiple users can be connected to the same resources, and users can access one or more resources.


                | user1 | data1 |
                | user1 | data2 |
                | user1 | data4 |
                | user2 | data2 |


                我有基本的 mysql 知识,但这超出了我的知识范围.有什么办法可以内部加入 t2 吗?

                I have basic mysql knowledge but this one is out of my knowledge scope. Is there any way I can inner join t2 ?


                Threads I've read before making this post: How to join two tables using a comma-separated-list in the join field



                如果 user_resources (t1) 是一个规范化表",每个 user =>资源 组合,那么获得答案的查询就像将表joining 一样简单.

                If the user_resources (t1) was a 'normalized table' with one row for each user => resource combination then the query to get the answer would be as simple as just joining the tables together.


                Alas, it is denormalized by having the resources column as a: 'list of resource id' separated by a ';' character.


                If we could convert the 'resources' column into rows then a lot of the difficulties go away as the table joins become simple.


                SELECT user_resource.user, 
                FROM user_resource 
                     JOIN integerseries AS isequence 
                       ON isequence.id <= COUNT_IN_SET(user_resource.resources, ';') /* normalize */
                     JOIN resource 
                       ON resource.id = VALUE_IN_SET(user_resource.resources, ';', isequence.id)      
                ORDER BY
                       user_resource.user,  resource.data


                user        data    
                ----------  --------
                sampleuser  abcde   
                sampleuser  azerty  
                sampleuser  qwerty  
                stacky      qwerty  
                testuser    abcde   
                testuser    azerty  


                技巧"是有一个包含从 1 到某个限制的数字的表格.我称之为integerseries.它可用于转换水平"的东西,例如:';'分隔的字符串rows.

                The 'trick' is to have a table that contains the numbers from 1 to some limit. I call it integerseries. It can be used to convert 'horizontal' things such as: ';' delimited strings into rows.

                这种工作方式是,当您使用 integerseries 'join' 时,您正在执行 cross join,这就是使用 'inner joins' '自然地' 发生的事情.

                The way this works is that when you 'join' with integerseries, you are doing a cross join, which is what happens 'naturally' with 'inner joins'.

                每一行都使用来自 integerseries 表的不同序列号"进行复制,我们将其用作列表中要用于该 .

                Each row gets duplicated with a different 'sequence number' from the integerseries table which we use as an 'index' of the 'resource' in the list that we want to use for that row.


                • 计算列表中的项目数.
                • 根据其在列表中的位置提取每个项目.
                • 使用 integerseries 将一行转换为一组行,从 user.resources 中提取单独的资源 ID".
                • count the number of items in the list.
                • extract each item based on its the position in the list.
                • Use integerseries to convert one row into a set of rows extracting the individual 'resource id' from user.resources as we go along.


                • 给定分隔字符串列表"和索引"的函数将返回列表中该位置的值.我称之为:VALUE_IN_SET.即给定 'A;B;C' 和 'index' 为 2 然后它返回 'B'.

                • function that given a 'delimited string list' and an 'index' will return the value at the position in the list. I call it: VALUE_IN_SET. i.e. given 'A;B;C' and an 'index' of 2 then it returns 'B'.

                给定分隔字符串列表"的函数将返回列表中项目数的计数.我称之为:COUNT_IN_SET.即给定 'A;B;C' 将返回 3

                function that given a 'delimited string list' will return the count of the number of items in the list. I call it: COUNT_IN_SET. i.e. given 'A;B;C' will return 3

                事实证明,这两个函数和 integerseries 应该为列中的分隔项列表提供通用解决方案.

                It turns aout that those two functions and integerseries should provide a general solution to delimited items list in a column.


                从<代码>'创建'规范化'表的查询;'列中的分隔字符串.它显示了所有列,包括由于cross_join"(isequence.id as resources_index)而生成的值:

                The query to create a 'normalized' table from a ';' delimited string in column. It shows all the columns, including the generated values due to the 'cross_join' (isequence.id as resources_index):

                SELECT user_resource.user, 
                       COUNT_IN_SET(user_resource.resources, ';')                AS resources_count, 
                       isequence.id                                              AS resources_index,
                       VALUE_IN_SET(user_resource.resources, ';', isequence.id)  AS resources_value
                     JOIN  integerseries AS isequence 
                       ON  isequence.id <= COUNT_IN_SET(user_resource.resources, ';')
                ORDER BY
                       user_resource.user, isequence.id


                user        resources  resources_count  resources_index  resources_value  
                ----------  ---------  ---------------  ---------------  -----------------
                sampleuser  1;2;3                    3                1  1                
                sampleuser  1;2;3                    3                2  2                
                sampleuser  1;2;3                    3                3  3                
                stacky      2                        1                1  2                
                testuser    1;3                      2                1  1                
                testuser    1;3                      2                2  3                

                使用上面的标准化"user_resources 表,这是一个简单的连接来提供所需的输出:

                Using the above 'normalized' user_resources table, it is a simple join to provide the output required:


                注意:这些函数的名称与mysql有关 FIND_IN_SET 函数.即他们在字符串列表方面做类似的事情?

                note: The names of these functions are related to the mysql FIND_IN_SET function. i.e. they do similar things as regards string lists?

                COUNT_IN_SET 函数:返回列中字符分隔项的计数.

                DELIMITER $$
                CREATE FUNCTION `COUNT_IN_SET`(haystack VARCHAR(1024), 
                                               delim CHAR(1)
                                               ) RETURNS INTEGER
                      RETURN CHAR_LENGTH(haystack) - CHAR_LENGTH( REPLACE(haystack, delim, '')) + 1;
                DELIMITER ;

                VALUE_IN_SET 函数:将分隔列表视为一个one based array并返回值在给定索引".

                The VALUE_IN_SET function: treats the delimited list as a one based array and returns the value at the given 'index'.

                DELIMITER $$
                CREATE FUNCTION `VALUE_IN_SET`(haystack VARCHAR(1024), 
                                               delim CHAR(1), 
                                               which INTEGER
                                               ) RETURNS VARCHAR(255) CHARSET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci
                      RETURN  SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(haystack, delim, which),
                DELIMITER ;


                • 终于找到了如何编译SQLFiddle - 工作代码功能.

                有一个版本适用于 SQLite 数据库以及 SQLite- 规范化连接的字段并加入它?

                There is a version of this that works for SQLite databases as well SQLite- Normalizing a concatenated field and joining with it?


                CREATE TABLE `integerseries` (
                  `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
                  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
                ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=500 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
                /*Data for the table `integerseries` */
                insert  into `integerseries`(`id`) values (1);
                insert  into `integerseries`(`id`) values (2);
                insert  into `integerseries`(`id`) values (3);
                insert  into `integerseries`(`id`) values (4);
                insert  into `integerseries`(`id`) values (5);
                insert  into `integerseries`(`id`) values (6);
                insert  into `integerseries`(`id`) values (7);
                insert  into `integerseries`(`id`) values (8);
                insert  into `integerseries`(`id`) values (9);
                insert  into `integerseries`(`id`) values (10);


                CREATE TABLE `resource` (
                  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
                  `data` varchar(250) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
                  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
                ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
                /*Data for the table `resource` */
                insert  into `resource`(`id`,`data`) values (1,'abcde');
                insert  into `resource`(`id`,`data`) values (2,'qwerty');
                insert  into `resource`(`id`,`data`) values (3,'azerty');


                CREATE TABLE `user_resource` (
                  `user` varchar(50) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
                  `resources` varchar(250) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
                  PRIMARY KEY (`user`)
                ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
                /*Data for the table `user_resource` */
                insert  into `user_resource`(`user`,`resources`) values ('sampleuser','1;2;3');
                insert  into `user_resource`(`user`,`resources`) values ('stacky','3');
                insert  into `user_resource`(`user`,`resources`) values ('testuser','1;3');

                这篇关于我可以用纯 mysql 解决这个问题吗?(加入一列中的 ';' 分隔值)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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