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        mysql stored procedure that calls itself recursively(递归调用自身的mysql存储过程)
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                1. 本文介绍了递归调用自身的mysql存储过程的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  id | parent_id | quantity
                  1  | null      | 5
                  2  | null      | 3
                  3  | 2         | 10
                  4  | 2         | 15
                  5  | 3         | 2
                  6  | 5         | 4
                  7  | 1         | 9

                  现在我需要 mysql 中的一个存储过程,它递归地调用自己并返回计算出的数量.例如,id 6 的父值为 5,父值为 3,父值为 2.所以我需要计算 4 * 2 * 10 * 3 ( = 240) 结果.

                  Now I need a stored procedure in mysql that calls itself recursively and returns the computed quantity. For example the id 6 has 5 as a parent which as 3 as a parent which has 2 as a parent. So I need to compute 4 * 2 * 10 * 3 ( = 240) as a result.


                  I am fairly new to stored procedures and I won't use them very often in the future because I prefer having my business logic in my program code rather then in the database. But in this case I can't avoid it.

                  也许一个 mysql 大师(就是你)可以在几秒钟内编写一个工作语句.

                  Maybe a mysql guru (that's you) can hack together a working statement in a couple of seconds.



                  its work only in mysql version >= 5


                  the stored procedure declaration is this,


                  you can give it little improve , but this working :

                  DELIMITER $$
                  CREATE PROCEDURE calctotal(
                     IN number INT,
                     OUT total INT
                     DECLARE parent_ID INT DEFAULT NULL ;
                     DECLARE tmptotal INT DEFAULT 0;
                     DECLARE tmptotal2 INT DEFAULT 0;
                     SELECT parentid   FROM test   WHERE id = number INTO parent_ID;   
                     SELECT quantity   FROM test   WHERE id = number INTO tmptotal;     
                     IF parent_ID IS NULL
                      SET total = tmptotal;
                      CALL calctotal(parent_ID, tmptotal2);
                      SET total = tmptotal2 * tmptotal;   
                     END IF;
                  DELIMITER ;


                  the calling is like (its important to set this variable) :

                  SET @@GLOBAL.max_sp_recursion_depth = 255;
                  SET @@session.max_sp_recursion_depth = 255; 
                  CALL calctotal(6, @total);
                  SELECT @total;




                  Bogus foreign key constraint fail(虚假外键约束失败)
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                  Clear MySQL query cache without restarting server(无需重启服务器即可清除 MySQL 查询缓存)
                  ALTER TABLE to add a composite primary key(ALTER TABLE 添加复合主键)
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