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        Alter table if exists or create if doesn#39;t(如果存在则更改表或如果不存在则创建)
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                  我需要运行一个安装程序,它也可以是一个更新程序.安装程序需要能够最终拥有 mysql 数据库的特定方案/结构,无论某些表是否存在,是否遗漏了几列,或者不需要更改,因为它们的结构是最新的.

                  I need to run an installer which can also be an updater. The installer needs to be able to end up having a certain scheme/structure of the mysql database, regardless if some of the tables existed, missed a few columns, or need not to be changed because their structure is up to date.

                  如何将 ALTERCREATE 巧妙结合起来?

                  How can I make an elegant combination of ALTER and CREATE?


                  I was thinking there must be something like "ADD... IF... Duplicate"

                  假设我有表 A.在一个客户端中,该表有一个列 -A1,另一个客户端有相同的表,但有 A1 列和 A2 列.

                  Say I have table A. In one client the table has one column -A1, and another client has the same table but with column A1 and column A2.

                  我希望我的 sql 命令使两个客户的表 A 都包含三列:A1、A2 和 A3.

                  I want my sql command to make both clients' table A hold three columns : A1, A2, and A3.

                  同样,我的脚本是我转储到 mysql 的 sql 文件.

                  Again, my script is a sql file that I dump to mysql.


                  How do I do it? Thanks :-)


                  MySQL INFORMATION_SCHEMA 数据库的救援:

                  MySQL INFORMATION_SCHEMA database to the rescue:

                  -- First check if the table exists
                  IF EXISTS(SELECT table_name 
                              FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES
                             WHERE table_schema = 'db_name'
                               AND table_name LIKE 'wild')
                  -- If exists, retreive columns information from that table
                      WHERE table_name = 'tbl_name'
                        AND table_schema = 'db_name';
                     -- do some action, i.e. ALTER TABLE if some columns are missing 
                     ALTER TABLE ...
                  -- Table does not exist, create a new table
                     CREATE TABLE ....
                  END IF;


                  • MySQL 参考手册:第 19 章 INFORMATION_SCHEMA 表
                  • MySQL 参考手册:INFORMATION_SCHEMA TABLES 表
                  • MySQL 参考手册:INFORMATION_SCHEMA COLUMNS 表



                  Another option, possibly easier, is to drop the existing table and re-create it again with the new schema. To do this, you need:

                  1. 创建临时表,现有表的精确副本
                  2. 用旧表中的数据填充临时表
                  3. 放下旧桌子
                  4. 使用新架构创建新表
                  5. 用临时表中的信息填充新表
                  6. 删除临时表.

                  所以,在 SQL 代码中:

                  So, in SQL code:

                  CREATE TABLE old_table_copy LIKE old_table;
                  INSERT INTO old_table_copy
                  SELECT * FROM old_table;
                  DROP TABLE old_table;
                  CREATE TABLE new_table (...new values...);
                  INSERT INTO new_table ([... column names from old table ...])
                  SELECT [...column names from old table ...] 
                  FROM old_table_copy;
                  DROP TABLE old_table_copy;


                  Actually the last step, "Drop temporary table.", you could skip for a while. Just in case, you would want to have some sort of backup of the old table, "just-in-case".


                  • MySQL 参考手册:CREATE TABLE 语法
                  • MySQL 参考手册:插入语法
                  • MySQL 参考手册:INSERT ... SELECT 语法




                  How to delete duplicate records in mysql database?(如何删除mysql数据库中的重复记录?)
                  Python Pandas write to sql with NaN values(Python Pandas 使用 NaN 值写入 sql)
                  MySQL Insert amp; Joins(MySQL 插入 amp;加入)
                  MySQL concat() to create column names to be used in a query?(MySQL concat() 创建要在查询中使用的列名?)
                  NodeJS responded MySQL timezone is different when I fetch directly from MySQL(当我直接从 MySQL 获取时,NodeJS 响应 MySQL 时区不同)
                  WHERE datetime older than some time (eg. 15 minutes)(WHERE 日期时间早于某个时间(例如 15 分钟))
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