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      2. AWS Aurora:MySQL 服务器使用 --read-only 选项运行,因此无法执行此语句

        AWS Aurora: The MySQL server is running with the --read-only option so it cannot execute this statement(AWS Aurora:MySQL 服务器使用 --read-only 选项运行,因此无法执行此语句)

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                1. 本文介绍了AWS Aurora:MySQL 服务器使用 --read-only 选项运行,因此无法执行此语句的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我在 AWS 中的 Aurora 数据库实例上执行 GRANT 语句时收到此错误:

                  I am getting this error when executing a GRANT statement on my Aurora DB instance in AWS:

                  MySQL 服务器使用 --read-only 选项运行,因此无法执行此语句

                  The MySQL server is running with the --read-only option so it cannot execute this statement


                  My user is not read-only though, so why is this happening?



                  It turned out to be a silly mistake, but posting it anyway in case anyone else has the problem:

                  我错误地访问了副本实例 - 我复制了副本的端点,它显然是只读的.因此,如果您遇到此问题,请验证您是连接到主实例还是最好的数据库集群端点.

                  I was accessing the replica instance by mistake - I had copied the endpoint for the replica, and it is read-only apparently. So if you have this problem, verify that you are connecting to the Primary Instance or best of all the DB Cluster endpoint.

                  根据@Justin 的回答,我们绝对应该使用数据库集群:

                  According to @Justin's answer we definitely should use DB Cluster:


                  You need to connect to the cluster, rather than an instance. This is because instances seem to take a turn to be the readers and writers.

                  这篇关于AWS Aurora:MySQL 服务器使用 --read-only 选项运行,因此无法执行此语句的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  How to delete duplicate records in mysql database?(如何删除mysql数据库中的重复记录?)
                  Python Pandas write to sql with NaN values(Python Pandas 使用 NaN 值写入 sql)
                  MySQL Insert amp; Joins(MySQL 插入 amp;加入)
                  MySQL concat() to create column names to be used in a query?(MySQL concat() 创建要在查询中使用的列名?)
                  NodeJS responded MySQL timezone is different when I fetch directly from MySQL(当我直接从 MySQL 获取时,NodeJS 响应 MySQL 时区不同)
                  WHERE datetime older than some time (eg. 15 minutes)(WHERE 日期时间早于某个时间(例如 15 分钟))

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