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    2. 我应该只坚持使用 AWS RDS 自动备份还是数据库快照?

      Should I stick only to AWS RDS Automated Backup or DB Snapshots?(我应该只坚持使用 AWS RDS 自动备份还是数据库快照?)
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                本文介绍了我应该只坚持使用 AWS RDS 自动备份还是数据库快照?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                我使用的是 AWS RDS for MySQL.说到备份,我知道亚马逊提供了两种类型的备份——自动备份和数据库 (DB) 快照.此处解释了差异.但是,我仍然感到困惑:我应该坚持只使用自动备份还是同时使用自动和手动(数据库快照)?

                I am using AWS RDS for MySQL. When it comes to backup, I understand that Amazon provides two types of backup - automated backup and database (DB) snapshot. The difference is explained here. However, I am still confused: should I stick to automated backup only or both automated and manual (db snapshots)?


                What do you think guys? What's the setup of your own? I heard from others that automated backup is not reliable due to some unrecoverable database when the DB instance is crashed so the DB snapshots are the way to rescue you. If I am to do daily DB snapshots as similar settings to automated backup, I am gonna pay much bunch of bucks.


                Hope anyone could enlighten me or advise me the right set up.


                根据个人经验,我建议两者都做.我将自动备份设置为 8 天,然后我还有一个脚本,每天拍摄一次快照并删除超过 7 天的快照.原因是据我了解,在某些情况下,您无法从自动备份中恢复.例如,如果您不小心删除了 RDS 实例并且没有拍摄最终快照,您将无法访问已完成的自动备份.但是打开自动备份也很好,因为这将为您提供时间点恢复.

                From personal experience, I recommend doing both. I have the automated backup set to 8 days, and then I also have a script that will take a snapshot once per day and delete snapshots older than 7 days. The reason is because from what I understand, there are certain situations where you could not restore from the automated backup. For example, if you accidentally deleted your RDS instance and did not take a final snapshot, you would not be able to access the automated backups that were done. But it is also good to have the automated backups turned on because that will provide you the point-in-time restore.




                To answer your comment, I use a certain naming convention when my script creates the snapshots. Something like:




                When it goes to do the cleanup, it retrieves all the snapshots, looks for that naming convention, parses the date, and deletes any older than a certain date.


                I think you could also look at the snapshot creation date, but this is just how I ended up doing it.

                这篇关于我应该只坚持使用 AWS RDS 自动备份还是数据库快照?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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