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      1. 如何在 MySQL 中实现关键字搜索?

        How to implement a Keyword Search in MySQL?(如何在 MySQL 中实现关键字搜索?)
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                  本文介绍了如何在 MySQL 中实现关键字搜索?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我是 SQL 编程的新手.

                  I am new to SQL programming.

                  我有一个表格作业,其中的字段是 idpositioncategorylocation薪资范围, description, refno.

                  I have a table job where the fields are id, position, category, location, salary range, description, refno.


                  I want to implement a keyword search from the front end. The keyword can reside in any of the fields of the above table.


                  This is the query I have tried but it consist of so many duplicate rows:

                      job a,
                      category b
                      a.catid = b.catid AND
                      a.jobsalrange = '15001-20000' AND
                      a.jobloc = 'Berkshire' AND
                      a.jobpos LIKE '%sales%' OR
                      a.jobloc LIKE '%sales%' OR
                      a.jobsal LIKE '%sales%' OR
                      a.jobref LIKE '%sales%' OR
                      a.jobemail LIKE '%sales%' OR
                      a.jobsalrange LIKE '%sales%' OR
                      b.catname LIKE '%sales%'


                  对于 VARCHAR 字段上的单个关键字,您可以使用 LIKE:

                  For a single keyword on VARCHAR fields you can use LIKE:

                  SELECT id, category, location
                  FROM table
                      category LIKE '%keyword%'
                      OR location LIKE '%keyword%'

                  对于描述,您通常最好添加全文索引并执行 全文搜索(仅限 MyISAM):

                  For a description you're usually better adding a full text index and doing a Full-Text Search (MyISAM only):

                  SELECT id, description
                  FROM table
                  WHERE MATCH (description) AGAINST('keyword1 keyword2')

                  这篇关于如何在 MySQL 中实现关键字搜索?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  How to delete duplicate records in mysql database?(如何删除mysql数据库中的重复记录?)
                  Python Pandas write to sql with NaN values(Python Pandas 使用 NaN 值写入 sql)
                  MySQL Insert amp; Joins(MySQL 插入 amp;加入)
                  MySQL concat() to create column names to be used in a query?(MySQL concat() 创建要在查询中使用的列名?)
                  NodeJS responded MySQL timezone is different when I fetch directly from MySQL(当我直接从 MySQL 获取时,NodeJS 响应 MySQL 时区不同)
                  WHERE datetime older than some time (eg. 15 minutes)(WHERE 日期时间早于某个时间(例如 15 分钟))
                • <i id='ygnwI'><tr id='ygnwI'><dt id='ygnwI'><q id='ygnwI'><span id='ygnwI'><b id='ygnwI'><form id='ygnwI'><ins id='ygnwI'></ins><ul id='ygnwI'></ul><sub id='ygnwI'></sub></form><legend id='ygnwI'></legend><bdo id='ygnwI'><pre id='ygnwI'><center id='ygnwI'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='ygnwI'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='ygnwI'><tfoot id='ygnwI'></tfoot><dl id='ygnwI'><fieldset id='ygnwI'></fieldset></dl></div>
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