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    4. 使用联合或加入 - 哪个更快

      Use A Union Or A Join - What Is Faster(使用联合或加入 - 哪个更快)

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                本文介绍了使用联合或加入 - 哪个更快的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                我确实知道连接会创建更多列,但这更具理论性 - 联合是否需要像连接那样对另一个表进行嵌套循环扫描?


                Union 会更快,因为它只是传递第一个 SELECT 语句,然后解析第二个 SELECT 语句并将结果添加到输出表的末尾.

                Join 将遍历两个表的每一行,在另一个表中查找匹配项,因此由于为每一行搜索匹配的行,因此需要更多的处理.


                Union,我的意思是 Union All,因为它似乎足以满足您想要实现的目标.虽然普通的 Union 通常比 Join 快.

                编辑 2(回复@seebiscuit 的评论)


                JOIN 执行计划



                I just wonder if you had a table and you unioned it would it be more efficent then using a join??

                I do know that the join creates more columns but this is more theoretical - Will the union need to do a nested loop scan of the other table like a join would have to?


                Union will be faster, as it simply passes the first SELECT statement, and then parses the second SELECT statement and adds the results to the end of the output table.

                The Join will go through each row of both tables, finding matches in the other table therefore needing a lot more processing due to searching for matching rows for each and every row.


                By Union, I mean Union All as it seemed adequate for what you were trying to achieve. Although a normal Union is generally faster then Join.

                EDIT 2 (Reply to @seebiscuit 's comment)

                I don't agree with him. Technically speaking no matter how good your join is, a "JOIN" is still more expensive than a pure concatenation. I made a blog post to prove it at my blog codePERF[dot]net. Practically speaking they serve 2 completely different purposes and it is more important to ensure your indexing is right and using the right tool for the job.

                Technically, I think it can be summed using the following 2 execution plans taken from my blog post:

                UNION ALL Execution Plan

                JOIN Execution Plan

                Practical Results

                Practically speaking the difference on a clustered index lookup is negligible:

                这篇关于使用联合或加入 - 哪个更快的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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