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      1. 在 SQL 中对包含数字的字符串列进行排序?

        Sorting string column containing numbers in SQL?(在 SQL 中对包含数字的字符串列进行排序?)

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                  本文介绍了在 SQL 中对包含数字的字符串列进行排序?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  I am trying to sort string column (containing numbers).

                  // SELECT `name` FROM `mytable` ORDER BY `name` ASC
                  +-- name --+
                  +-- a 1 ---+
                  +-- a 12 --+
                  +-- a 2 ---+
                  +-- a 3 ---+

                  你看到Mysql的自然排序算法在a 1之后放置a 12(这对大多数应用程序来说都可以),但我有独特的需求,所以我希望结果应该这样排序.

                  You see natural sorting algorithm of Mysql is placing a 12 after a 1 (which is ok for most apps), But I have unique needs, so I want result should be sorted like this.

                  +-- name --+
                  +-- a 1 ---+
                  +-- a 2 ---+
                  +-- a 3 ---+
                  +-- a 12 --+

                  是否可以仅使用 SQL,或者我必须在应用程序级别操作结果集?

                  Is it possible with just SQL, or I have to manipulate result-set at application level?


                  继续假设它总是 WORD_space_NUMBER 这应该有效:

                  Going on the assumption it's always WORD_space_NUMBER this should work:

                  SELECT   *
                  FROM     table
                  ORDER BY CAST(SUBSTRING(column,LOCATE(' ',column)+1) AS SIGNED)

                  使用POSITION找到空间,SUBSTRING 抓取后面的数字,CAST 使其成为可比较的值.

                  Use POSITION to find the space, SUBSTRING to grab the number after it, and CAST to make it a comparable value.


                  If there is a different pattern to the column, let me know and I'll try to devise a better work-around.


                  mysql> INSERT INTO t (st) VALUES ('a 1'),('a 12'),('a 6'),('a 11');
                  Query OK, 4 rows affected (0.00 sec)
                  Records: 4  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
                  mysql> SELECT * FROM t ORDER BY st;
                  | id | st   |
                  |  1 | a 1  |
                  |  4 | a 11 |
                  |  2 | a 12 |
                  |  3 | a 6  |
                  4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
                  mysql> SELECT * FROM t ORDER BY CAST(SUBSTRING(st,LOCATE(' ',st)+1) AS SIGNED);
                  | id | st   |
                  |  1 | a 1  |
                  |  3 | a 6  |
                  |  4 | a 11 |
                  |  2 | a 12 |
                  mysql> INSERT INTO t (st) VALUES ('b 1'),('b 12'),('b 6'),('b 11');
                  Query OK, 4 rows affected (0.00 sec)
                  Records: 4  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
                  mysql> SELECT * FROM t ORDER BY CAST(SUBSTRING(st,LOCATE(' ',st)+1) AS SIGNED);
                  | id | st   |
                  |  1 | a 1  |
                  |  5 | b 1  |
                  |  3 | a 6  |
                  |  7 | b 6  |
                  |  4 | a 11 |
                  |  8 | b 11 |
                  |  2 | a 12 |
                  |  6 | b 12 |
                  8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
                  mysql> SELECT * FROM t ORDER BY LEFT(st,LOCATE(' ',st)), CAST(SUBSTRING(st,LOCATE(' ',st)+1) AS SIGNED);
                  | id | st   |
                  |  1 | a 1  |
                  |  3 | a 6  |
                  |  4 | a 11 |
                  |  2 | a 12 |
                  |  5 | b 1  |
                  |  7 | b 6  |
                  |  8 | b 11 |
                  |  6 | b 12 |
                  8 rows in set (0.00 sec)


                  ignore my lame table/column names, but gives me the correct result. Also went a little further and added double sort to break letters prefix with numeric.

                  编辑SUBSTRING_INDEX 将使它更具可读性.

                  ORDER BY SUBSTRING_INDEX(st, " ", 1) ASC, CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(st, " ", -1) AS SIGNED)

                  这篇关于在 SQL 中对包含数字的字符串列进行排序?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  How to delete duplicate records in mysql database?(如何删除mysql数据库中的重复记录?)
                  Python Pandas write to sql with NaN values(Python Pandas 使用 NaN 值写入 sql)
                  MySQL Insert amp; Joins(MySQL 插入 amp;加入)
                  MySQL concat() to create column names to be used in a query?(MySQL concat() 创建要在查询中使用的列名?)
                  NodeJS responded MySQL timezone is different when I fetch directly from MySQL(当我直接从 MySQL 获取时,NodeJS 响应 MySQL 时区不同)
                  WHERE datetime older than some time (eg. 15 minutes)(WHERE 日期时间早于某个时间(例如 15 分钟))

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