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    2. <tfoot id='J6xlT'></tfoot>
    3. SQL Server 索引 - 升序或降序,有什么区别?

      SQL Server indexes - ascending or descending, what difference does it make?(SQL Server 索引 - 升序或降序,有什么区别?)
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            • <bdo id='m5XbL'></bdo><ul id='m5XbL'></ul>
              • 本文介绍了SQL Server 索引 - 升序或降序,有什么区别?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                当您在 MS SQL Server(我使用的是 2005 版)的一列或多列上创建索引时,您可以指定每列上的索引是升序还是降序.我很难理解为什么这个选择甚至在这里.使用二进制排序技术,无论哪种方式查找都不会一样快吗?我选择哪个订单有什么区别?

                When you create an index on a column or number of columns in MS SQL Server (I'm using version 2005), you can specify that the index on each column be either ascending or descending. I'm having a hard time understanding why this choice is even here. Using binary sort techniques, wouldn't a lookup be just as fast either way? What difference does it make which order I choose?



                This primarily matters when used with composite indexes:

                CREATE INDEX ix_index ON mytable (col1, col2 DESC);


                SELECT  *
                FROM    mytable
                ORDER BY
                        col1, col2 DESC


                SELECT  *
                FROM    mytable
                ORDER BY
                        col1 DESC, col2


                SELECT  *
                FROM    mytable
                ORDER BY
                        col1, col2


                An index on a single column can be efficiently used for sorting in both ways.


                • 降序索引



                In fact, this can matter even for a single column index, though it's not so obvious.


                Imagine an index on a column of a clustered table:

                CREATE TABLE mytable (
                       pk INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
                       col1 INT NOT NULL
                CREATE INDEX ix_mytable_col1 ON mytable (col1)

                col1 上的索引保持 col1 的有序值以及对行的引用.

                The index on col1 keeps ordered values of col1 along with the references to rows.

                由于表是集群的,对行的引用实际上是pk的值.它们也在 col1 的每个值内排序.

                Since the table is clustered, the references to rows are actually the values of the pk. They are also ordered within each value of col1.

                这意味着索引的叶子实际上是在(col1, pk)上排序的,这个查询:

                This means that that leaves of the index are actually ordered on (col1, pk), and this query:

                SELECT  col1, pk
                FROM    mytable
                ORDER BY
                        col1, pk



                If we create the index as following:

                CREATE INDEX ix_mytable_col1_desc ON mytable (col1 DESC)


                , then the values of col1 will be sorted descending, but the values of pk within each value of col1 will be sorted ascending.


                SELECT  col1, pk
                FROM    mytable
                ORDER BY
                        col1, pk DESC

                可以由 ix_mytable_col1_desc 提供,但不能由 ix_mytable_col1 提供.

                can be served by ix_mytable_col1_desc but not by ix_mytable_col1.

                换句话说,构成任何表上CLUSTERED INDEX的列总是该表上任何其他索引的尾随列.

                In other words, the columns that constitute a CLUSTERED INDEX on any table are always the trailing columns of any other index on that table.

                这篇关于SQL Server 索引 - 升序或降序,有什么区别?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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              • <i id='LmHzf'><tr id='LmHzf'><dt id='LmHzf'><q id='LmHzf'><span id='LmHzf'><b id='LmHzf'><form id='LmHzf'><ins id='LmHzf'></ins><ul id='LmHzf'></ul><sub id='LmHzf'></sub></form><legend id='LmHzf'></legend><bdo id='LmHzf'><pre id='LmHzf'><center id='LmHzf'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='LmHzf'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='LmHzf'><tfoot id='LmHzf'></tfoot><dl id='LmHzf'><fieldset id='LmHzf'></fieldset></dl></div>

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