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        在 mysql 表 auto_increment 中创建一个 ID(事后)

        make an ID in a mysql table auto_increment (after the fact)(在 mysql 表 auto_increment 中创建一个 ID(事后))
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                  本文介绍了在 mysql 表 auto_increment 中创建一个 ID(事后)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我从另一个开发人员那里获得了一个数据库.他没有在任何表上使用 auto_incrementers.它们都有主键 ID,但他在代码中手动完成了所有递增.

                  I acquired a database from another developer. He didn't use auto_incrementers on any tables. They all have primary key ID's, but he did all the incrementing manually, in code.

                  我现在可以把它们变成 Auto_incrementers 吗?

                  Can I turn those into Auto_incrementers now?


                  Wow, very nice, thanks a ton. It worked without a hitch on one of my tables. But a second table, i'm getting this error...Error on rename of '.DBNAME#sql-6c8_62259c' to '.DBNAMEdealer_master_events'



                  For example, here's a table that has a primary key but is not AUTO_INCREMENT:

                  mysql> CREATE TABLE foo (
                    id INT NOT NULL,
                    PRIMARY KEY (id)
                  mysql> INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1), (2), (5);


                  You can MODIFY the column to redefine it with the AUTO_INCREMENT option:



                  mysql> SHOW CREATE TABLE foo;


                  CREATE TABLE foo (
                    `id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
                    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

                  请注意,您已就地修改了列定义,无需创建第二列并删除原始列.PRIMARY KEY 约束不受影响,您无需在 ALTER TABLE 语句中提及.

                  Note that you have modified the column definition in place, without requiring creating a second column and dropping the original column. The PRIMARY KEY constraint is unaffected, and you don't need to mention in in the ALTER TABLE statement.


                  Next you can test that an insert generates a new value:

                  mysql> INSERT INTO foo () VALUES (); -- yes this is legal syntax
                  mysql> SELECT * FROM foo;


                  | id |
                  |  1 | 
                  |  2 | 
                  |  5 | 
                  |  6 | 
                  4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

                  我在 Mac OS X 上的 MySQL 5.0.51 上对此进行了测试.

                  I tested this on MySQL 5.0.51 on Mac OS X.

                  我还用 ENGINE=InnoDB 和一个依赖表进行了测试.修改 id 列定义不会中断参照完整性.

                  I also tested with ENGINE=InnoDB and a dependent table. Modifying the id column definition does not interrupt referential integrity.

                  为了回应你在评论中提到的错误 150,它可能与外键约束冲突.我很抱歉,在我测试之后,我认为它会起作用.以下是一些可能有助于诊断问题的链接:

                  To respond to the error 150 you mentioned in your comment, it's probably a conflict with the foreign key constraints. My apologies, after I tested it I thought it would work. Here are a couple of links that may help to diagnose the problem:

                  • 什么mysql error 1025 (HY000): Error on rename of './foo' (errorno: 150) 是什么意思?
                  • http://www.simplicidade.org/notes/archives/2008/03/mysql_errno_150.html

                  这篇关于在 mysql 表 auto_increment 中创建一个 ID(事后)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Simulating group_concat MySQL function in Microsoft SQL Server 2005?(在 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 中模拟 group_concat MySQL 函数?)
                  Auto-increment - automatic reset for each year(自动递增 - 每年自动重置)
                  MySQL Auto Increment Custom Values(MySQL 自动递增自定义值)
                  Change the step auto_increment fields increment by(更改步骤 auto_increment 字段增量)
                  How to return the value of AUTO INCREMENT column in SQLite with VB6(如何使用 VB6 在 SQLite 中返回 AUTO INCREMENT 列的值)
                  How to insert new row to database with AUTO_INCREMENT column without specifying column names?(如何在不指定列名的情况下使用 AUTO_INCREMENT 列将新行插入到数据库中?)
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