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      1. 我什么时候应该使用 CROSS APPLY 而不是 INNER JOIN?

        When should I use CROSS APPLY over INNER JOIN?(我什么时候应该使用 CROSS APPLY 而不是 INNER JOIN?)
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                  本文介绍了我什么时候应该使用 CROSS APPLY 而不是 INNER JOIN?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  使用CROSS APPLY的主要目的是什么?>

                  我已经读到(模糊地,通过 Internet 上的帖子)cross apply 在选择大型数据集时会更有效,如果您进行分区.(想到分页)

                  我也知道 CROSS APPLY 不需要 UDF 作为右表.

                  在大多数 INNER JOIN 查询(一对多关系)中,我可以重写它们以使用 CROSS APPLY,但它们总是给我等效的执行计划.

                  谁能给我一个很好的例子,说明 CROSS APPLY 在哪些情况下 INNER JOIN 也能起作用?


                  这是一个简单的例子,其中的执行计划完全相同.(告诉我它们的不同之处以及 cross apply 更快/更有效的地方)

                  创建表公司(companyId int 身份(1,1), 公司名称 varchar(100), 邮政编码 varchar(10), 约束 PK_Company 主键 (companyId))走创建表人(personId int 身份(1,1), personName varchar(100), companyId int, 约束 FK_Person_CompanyId 外键 (companyId) 引用 dbo.Company(companyId), 约束PK_Person主键(personId))走插入公司选择ABC 公司"、19808"工会选择XYZ 公司"、08534"工会选择123 公司"、10016"插入人选择艾伦",1 个联合选择鲍比",1 个工会选择克里斯",1 个工会选择 'Xavier', 2 union选择 'Yoshi', 2 union选择 'Zambrano', 2 union选择玩家 1"、3 联盟选择'玩家 2', 3 联盟选择'玩家 3', 3/* 使用交叉应用 */选择 *来自人 p交叉申请(选择 *来自 c 公司其中 p.companyid = c.companyId) 压缩包/* 使用 INNER JOIN 的等效查询 */选择 *来自人 pp.companyid = c.companyId 上的内部连接公司 c


                  任何人都可以举一个很好的例子来说明当 CROSS APPLY 在那些 INNER JOIN 也可以工作的情况下有所作为时吗?


                  • 内连接CROSS APPLY

                  CROSS APPLY 在没有简单 JOIN 条件的情况下效果更好.


                  SELECT t1.*, t2o.*从 t1交叉申请(选择前 3 个 *从 t2哪里 t2.t1_id = t1.id订购者t2.rank DESC) t2o

                  它不能用 INNER JOIN 条件轻松表述.

                  您可能可以使用 CTE 和窗口函数来做类似的事情:

                  with t2o AS(SELECT t2.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY t1_id ORDER BY rank) AS rn从 t2)选择 t1.*, t2o.*从 t1内部联接t2oON t2o.t1_id = t1.idAND t2o.rn <= 3




                  master 是一个包含 20,000,000 条记录的表格,PRIMARY KEY 位于 id.


                  WITH q AS(SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY id) AS rn从主),吨AS(选择 1 作为 ID联合所有选择 2)选择  *从T加入qON q.rn <= t.id

                  运行几乎 30 秒,而这个:

                  WITH t AS(选择 1 作为 ID联合所有选择 2)选择  *从T交叉申请(SELECT TOP (t.id) m.*发件人订购者ID) q


                  What is the main purpose of using CROSS APPLY?

                  I have read (vaguely, through posts on the Internet) that cross apply can be more efficient when selecting over large data sets if you are partitioning. (Paging comes to mind)

                  I also know that CROSS APPLY doesn't require a UDF as the right-table.

                  In most INNER JOIN queries (one-to-many relationships), I could rewrite them to use CROSS APPLY, but they always give me equivalent execution plans.

                  Can anyone give me a good example of when CROSS APPLY makes a difference in those cases where INNER JOIN will work as well?


                  Here's a trivial example, where the execution plans are exactly the same. (Show me one where they differ and where cross apply is faster/more efficient)

                  create table Company (
                      companyId int identity(1,1)
                  ,   companyName varchar(100)
                  ,   zipcode varchar(10) 
                  ,   constraint PK_Company primary key (companyId)
                  create table Person (
                      personId int identity(1,1)
                  ,   personName varchar(100)
                  ,   companyId int
                  ,   constraint FK_Person_CompanyId foreign key (companyId) references dbo.Company(companyId)
                  ,   constraint PK_Person primary key (personId)
                  insert Company
                  select 'ABC Company', '19808' union
                  select 'XYZ Company', '08534' union
                  select '123 Company', '10016'
                  insert Person
                  select 'Alan', 1 union
                  select 'Bobby', 1 union
                  select 'Chris', 1 union
                  select 'Xavier', 2 union
                  select 'Yoshi', 2 union
                  select 'Zambrano', 2 union
                  select 'Player 1', 3 union
                  select 'Player 2', 3 union
                  select 'Player 3', 3 
                  /* using CROSS APPLY */
                  select *
                  from Person p
                  cross apply (
                      select *
                      from Company c
                      where p.companyid = c.companyId
                  ) Czip
                  /* the equivalent query using INNER JOIN */
                  select *
                  from Person p
                  inner join Company c on p.companyid = c.companyId


                  Can anyone give me a good example of when CROSS APPLY makes a difference in those cases where INNER JOIN will work as well?

                  See the article in my blog for detailed performance comparison:

                  • INNER JOIN vs. CROSS APPLY

                  CROSS APPLY works better on things that have no simple JOIN condition.

                  This one selects 3 last records from t2 for each record from t1:

                  SELECT  t1.*, t2o.*
                  FROM    t1
                  CROSS APPLY
                          SELECT  TOP 3 *
                          FROM    t2
                          WHERE   t2.t1_id = t1.id
                          ORDER BY
                                  t2.rank DESC
                          ) t2o

                  It cannot be easily formulated with an INNER JOIN condition.

                  You could probably do something like that using CTE's and window function:

                  WITH    t2o AS
                          SELECT  t2.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY t1_id ORDER BY rank) AS rn
                          FROM    t2
                  SELECT  t1.*, t2o.*
                  FROM    t1
                  INNER JOIN
                  ON      t2o.t1_id = t1.id
                          AND t2o.rn <= 3

                  , but this is less readable and probably less efficient.


                  Just checked.

                  master is a table of about 20,000,000 records with a PRIMARY KEY on id.

                  This query:

                  WITH    q AS
                          SELECT  *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY id) AS rn
                          FROM    master
                          t AS 
                          SELECT  1 AS id
                          UNION ALL
                          SELECT  2
                  SELECT  *
                  FROM    t
                  JOIN    q
                  ON      q.rn <= t.id

                  runs for almost 30 seconds, while this one:

                  WITH    t AS 
                          SELECT  1 AS id
                          UNION ALL
                          SELECT  2
                  SELECT  *
                  FROM    t
                  CROSS APPLY
                          SELECT  TOP (t.id) m.*
                          FROM    master m
                          ORDER BY
                          ) q

                  is instant.

                  这篇关于我什么时候应该使用 CROSS APPLY 而不是 INNER JOIN?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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