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        在 PLSQL 中转义单引号

        Escaping single quote in PLSQL(在 PLSQL 中转义单引号)

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                  本文介绍了在 PLSQL 中转义单引号的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我希望 PLSQL 生成如下字符串:

                  I want PLSQL to generate strings like:

                  COMMENT ON COLUMN TABLE.COLUMN IS 'comment from database';


                    str_comment varchar2(4000);
                    for rec in (select table_name, column_name, description from description_table)
                      str_comment:='COMMENT ON COLUMN '||rec.table_name||'.'||rec.column_name||'  IS '''||rec.description||'''; ' ;
                    end loop;

                  rec.description 中不包含单个 qout 时,输出是可以的.否则需要转义信.我应该如何实施?

                  Output is OK when it doesn't contain single qoutes in rec.description. Otherwise there is need for escape letter. How should I implement it?

                  OK 输出行(它有转义字母以保留单个 qoute):

                  OK output line (It's has escape letter to preserve single qoute):

                  COMMENT ON COLUMN TABLE1.COLUMN1_LV  IS 'It''s secret';

                  NOT NOK 输出行,因为没有添加单引号的转义字母并且不会编译:

                  NOT NOK output line because no escape letter for single quote added and doesn't compile:

                  COMMENT ON COLUMN TABLE1.COLUMN1_LV  IS 'It's secret';

                  我的解决方案是不检查描述是否包含单引号.我只是在生成 COMMENT ON 字符串之前用两个单引号替换源(描述)列的单引号,然后我 ROLLBACK.

                  My solution is not to check if description contains single quotes. I just replace source (description) column's single quote by two single quotes before generating COMMENT ON strings and then I ROLLBACK.




                  I do this sort stuff a fair bit (usually generating insert/update statements).


                  You just need to use the replace function to turn all the ' into ''. i.e. Change it to:

                  str_comment:='COMMENT ON COLUMN '||rec.table_name||'.'||rec.column_name
                              ||' IS '''||REPLACE( rec.description,'''','''''')||'''; ' ;

                  这篇关于在 PLSQL 中转义单引号的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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                  <i id='lsKVo'><tr id='lsKVo'><dt id='lsKVo'><q id='lsKVo'><span id='lsKVo'><b id='lsKVo'><form id='lsKVo'><ins id='lsKVo'></ins><ul id='lsKVo'></ul><sub id='lsKVo'></sub></form><legend id='lsKVo'></legend><bdo id='lsKVo'><pre id='lsKVo'><center id='lsKVo'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='lsKVo'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='lsKVo'><tfoot id='lsKVo'></tfoot><dl id='lsKVo'><fieldset id='lsKVo'></fieldset></dl></div>

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