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      3. 防止重复进入数据库

        prevent duplicate entries to database(防止重复进入数据库)

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                • 本文介绍了防止重复进入数据库的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我想防止使用 vb.net 和 MySQL 作为数据库在我的库存表单中重复输入,这是我的代码:

                  I want to prevent duplicate entries to my inventory form using vb.net and MySQL as the database, here is my code:

                   Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
                      Dim myCommand As New MySqlCommand
                      Dim conn As MySqlConnection
                      Dim i As String
                      conn = New MySqlConnection
                      conn.ConnectionString = "server = localhost;username= root;password= a;database= secret"
                      Catch mali As MySqlException
                          MsgBox("connot establish connection")
                      End Try
                      Dim intReturn As Integer
                      Dim strSql As String = " select * from personnel where pcode = @pcode"
                      Dim sqlcmd As New MySqlCommand(strSql, conn)
                      With sqlcmd.Parameters
                          .AddWithValue("@pcode", CType(pcode.Text, String))
                      End With
                      intReturn = sqlcmd.ExecuteScalar
                      If (intReturn > 0) Then
                          cmd = New MySqlCommand("Insert into personnel values('" & pcode.Text & "','" & lname.Text & "','" & fname.Text & "','" & office.Text & "','" & designation.Text & "')")
                          i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery
                          If pcode.Text <> "" Then
                          ElseIf i > 0 Then
                              MsgBox("Save Successfully!", MessageBoxIcon.Information, "Success")
                              ListView1.Tag = ""
                              Call objLocker(False)
                              Call LVWloader()
                              Call calldaw()
                              MsgBox("Save Failed!", MessageBoxIcon.Error, "Error!")
                          End If
                          MsgBox("Personnel ID Already Exist!", MessageBoxIcon.Error, "Error!")
                      End If


                  我在搜索答案时发现了这个,但是当我尝试运行它时,它不会读取插入命令,而是直接进入 msbox人员 ID 已经存在",即使没有相同的人员 ID.

                  i found this while i search for answer, but when i tried to run it, it does not read the insert command but rather it goes directly to the msbox "Personnel ID Already Exist" even if theres no thesame Personnel ID.


                  can someone check why it does not read the insert please,


                  pcode = 主键

                  lname = 长文本

                  lname = longtext

                  fname = 长文本

                  fname = longtext

                  办公室 = 长文本

                  指定 = 长文本


                  any help will be much appreciated, thanks,



                  Sorry to say this is the wrong approach.

                  数据库有一个内置系统来防止数据被复制.那是通过主键或唯一键约束.在您的情况下,您已经创建了一个主键.因此,您绝对不需要执行该 SELECT COUNT(*) 查询.

                  Databases have a built in system to prevent data being duplicated. That's through primary keys or unique key constraints. In your case, you have already created a primary key. So there is absolutely no need for you to do that SELECT COUNT(*) query.


                  Instead, just directly insert into the table and catch the integrity error when the pcode already exists.

                      cmd = New MySqlCommand("Insert into personnel values('" & pcode.Text & "','" & lname.Text & "','" & fname.Text & "','" & office.Text & "','" & designation.Text & "')")
                      i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery
                      If pcode.Text <> "" Then
                      ElseIf i > 0 Then
                          MsgBox("Save Successfully!", MessageBoxIcon.Information, "Success")
                          ListView1.Tag = ""
                          Call objLocker(False)
                          Call LVWloader()
                          Call calldaw()
                          MsgBox("Save Failed!", MessageBoxIcon.Error, "Error!")
                      End If
                  Catch ex As MySqlException
                      MsgBox("Personnel ID Already Exist!", MessageBoxIcon.Error, "Error!")
                  End Try

                  另请参阅 MySQL 手册页 PRIMARYKEY 和 UNIQUE 索引约束

                  Please also refer to the MySQL Manual Page PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE Index Constraints




                  System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7(System.Data.OracleClient 需要 Oracle 客户端软件版本 8.1.7)
                  Oracle Equivalent to MySQL INSERT IGNORE?(Oracle 相当于 MySQL INSERT IGNORE?)
                  How to initialize mysql container when created on Kubernetes?(在 Kubernetes 上创建时如何初始化 mysql 容器?)
                  connecting to a docker-compose mysql container denies access but docker running same image does not(连接到 docker-compose mysql 容器拒绝访问,但运行相同图像的 docker 不会)
                  MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD is set but getting quot;Access denied for user #39;root#39;@#39;localhost#39; (using password: YES)quot; in docker container(MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD 已设置,但“访问被拒绝用户 root@localhost(使用密码:YES);在码头集装箱) - IT
                  not able to connect to mysql docker from local(无法从本地连接到 mysql docker)

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