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        如何将本地托管的 MySQL 数据库与 docker 容器连接

        How to connect locally hosted MySQL database with the docker container(如何将本地托管的 MySQL 数据库与 docker 容器连接)
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                  本文介绍了如何将本地托管的 MySQL 数据库与 docker 容器连接的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  通过 docker-compose.yml 我能够运行该应用程序.现在我们想将应用程序移至生产环境,但我们不想使用容器数据库.那么有什么方法可以让我使用 docker-compose 将我的本地 MySQL 数据库与应用程序连接起来?

                  Through docker-compose.yml I am able to run the application. Now we want to move the application to production, But we don't want to use the container database. So is there any way so that I can connect my local MySQL database with the application using docker-compose?

                  我的 docker-compose.yml 看起来像:

                  My docker-compose.yml looks like:

                  version: '3'
                        context: .
                        dockerfile: web-app/Dockerfile
                        - 8080:8080
                        - app-db
                        context: .
                        dockerfile: app-db/Dockerfile
                      - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password
                      - MYSQL_DATABASE=Optimize
                        - 3306:3306

                  我只想连接到本地托管的 mysql 数据库,而不是 app-db 部分.

                  Instead of app-db part I just want to connect to my locally hosted mysql database.


                  在docker网络中查找宿主机ip.如果你使用 docker-compose.yml version: "3" 那很可能是那个 IP 是:但是确认它搜索您的容器(您的主机)的网关":

                  Find the host machine ip in the docker network. If you use docker-compose.yml version: "3" it's probably that that IP is:, but confirm it searching for the "Gateway" of your container (your host):

                  docker inspect <container-id-or-name> | grep Gateway
                  "Gateway": "",
                              "IPv6Gateway": "",
                              "Gateway": "",
                              "IPv6Gateway": "",

                  因此在您的 docker 应用程序中指向 MySQL 如下:可能在配置文件中).考虑到该 IP 是固定的,只要 docker 网络仍然相同(网络是由 docker-compose 创建的,除非您执行 docker-compose down),否则不会删除它

                  So inside your docker application point to MySQL as this: (maybe in a configuration file). Take into account that that IP is fixed as long as the docker network still the same (the network is created by docker-compose, and it is not removed unless you do docker-compose down)

                  另外,检查您的 MySQL 是否正在侦听其所有接口.在您的 my.cnf 中搜索 bind-address 应该是如果您的服务器有公共 IP,请考虑安全问题).

                  Also, check that your MySQL is listening to all of its interfaces. In your my.cnf search for bind-address that should be (consider security issues if your server has public IP).

                  作为替代方案,您可以将与主机相同的网络连接到容器中,以便共享本地主机,因此容器将在那里找到 mysql.使用网络模式作为主机":

                  As an alternative you can bring to the container the same networking as your host, in order to share the localhost, so the container will find mysql there. Use network mode as "host":

                  version: '3'
                        context: .
                        dockerfile: web-app/Dockerfile
                         - 8080:8080
                      network_mode: "host"

                  然后,将您的 hibernate.properties 指向 mysql,如下所示:localhost:3306

                  Then, point in your hibernate.properties to mysql as this: localhost:3306

                  这篇关于如何将本地托管的 MySQL 数据库与 docker 容器连接的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Oracle Equivalent to MySQL INSERT IGNORE?(Oracle 相当于 MySQL INSERT IGNORE?)
                  How to initialize mysql container when created on Kubernetes?(在 Kubernetes 上创建时如何初始化 mysql 容器?)
                  connecting to a docker-compose mysql container denies access but docker running same image does not(连接到 docker-compose mysql 容器拒绝访问,但运行相同图像的 docker 不会)
                  MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD is set but getting quot;Access denied for user #39;root#39;@#39;localhost#39; (using password: YES)quot; in docker container(MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD 已设置,但“访问被拒绝用户 root@localhost(使用密码:YES);在码头集装箱) - IT
                  not able to connect to mysql docker from local(无法从本地连接到 mysql docker)
                  Docker (Apple Silicon/M1 Preview) MySQL quot;no matching manifest for linux/arm64/v8 in the manifest list entriesquot;(Docker (Apple Silicon/M1 Preview) MySQL“在清单列表条目中没有与 linux/arm64/v8 匹配的清单) - IT屋-程序员软件开发技术分享
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