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      1. 如何在 SQL Server 数据库中搜索字符串?

        How do I search an SQL Server database for a string?(如何在 SQL Server 数据库中搜索字符串?)
        <i id='VXu2I'><tr id='VXu2I'><dt id='VXu2I'><q id='VXu2I'><span id='VXu2I'><b id='VXu2I'><form id='VXu2I'><ins id='VXu2I'></ins><ul id='VXu2I'></ul><sub id='VXu2I'></sub></form><legend id='VXu2I'></legend><bdo id='VXu2I'><pre id='VXu2I'><center id='VXu2I'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='VXu2I'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='VXu2I'><tfoot id='VXu2I'></tfoot><dl id='VXu2I'><fieldset id='VXu2I'></fieldset></dl></div>
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                  本文介绍了如何在 SQL Server 数据库中搜索字符串?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  I know it's possible, but I don't know how.

                  我需要在 SQL Server 数据库中搜索所有提及特定字符串的内容.

                  I need to search an SQL Server database for all mentions of a specific string.


                  For example: I would like to search all tables, views, functions, stored procedures, ... for string "tblEmployes" (not data within the tables).


                  One of the reasons I need this is I would like to remove some extra data tables that are created, but I am afraid that they are maybe used somewhere in procedures or functions.



                  This will search every column of every table in a specific database. Create the stored procedure on the database that you want to search in.

                  十个最常见的 SQL Server 问题及其答案:

                  CREATE PROCEDURE FindMyData_String
                      @DataToFind NVARCHAR(4000),
                      @ExactMatch BIT = 0
                  SET NOCOUNT ON
                  DECLARE @Temp TABLE(RowId INT IDENTITY(1,1), SchemaName sysname, TableName sysname, ColumnName SysName, DataType VARCHAR(100), DataFound BIT)
                      INSERT  INTO @Temp(TableName,SchemaName, ColumnName, DataType)
                      SELECT  C.Table_Name,C.TABLE_SCHEMA, C.Column_Name, C.Data_Type
                      FROM    Information_Schema.Columns AS C
                              INNER Join Information_Schema.Tables AS T
                                  ON C.Table_Name = T.Table_Name
                          AND C.TABLE_SCHEMA = T.TABLE_SCHEMA
                      WHERE   Table_Type = 'Base Table'
                              And Data_Type In ('ntext','text','nvarchar','nchar','varchar','char')
                  DECLARE @i INT
                  DECLARE @MAX INT
                  DECLARE @TableName sysname
                  DECLARE @ColumnName sysname
                  DECLARE @SchemaName sysname
                  DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(4000)
                  DECLARE @PARAMETERS NVARCHAR(4000)
                  DECLARE @DataExists BIT
                  DECLARE @SQLTemplate NVARCHAR(4000)
                  SELECT  @SQLTemplate = CASE WHEN @ExactMatch = 1
                                              THEN 'If Exists(Select *
                                                            From   ReplaceTableName
                                                            Where  Convert(nVarChar(4000), [ReplaceColumnName])
                                                                         = ''' + @DataToFind + '''
                                                       Set @DataExists = 1
                                                       Set @DataExists = 0'
                                              ELSE 'If Exists(Select *
                                                            From   ReplaceTableName
                                                            Where  Convert(nVarChar(4000), [ReplaceColumnName])
                                                                         Like ''%' + @DataToFind + '%''
                                                       Set @DataExists = 1
                                                       Set @DataExists = 0'
                          @PARAMETERS = '@DataExists Bit OUTPUT',
                          @i = 1
                  SELECT @i = 1, @MAX = MAX(RowId)
                  FROM   @Temp
                  WHILE @i <= @MAX
                          SELECT  @SQL = REPLACE(REPLACE(@SQLTemplate, 'ReplaceTableName', QUOTENAME(SchemaName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(TableName)), 'ReplaceColumnName', ColumnName)
                          FROM    @Temp
                          WHERE   RowId = @i
                          PRINT @SQL
                          EXEC SP_EXECUTESQL @SQL, @PARAMETERS, @DataExists = @DataExists OUTPUT
                          IF @DataExists =1
                              UPDATE @Temp SET DataFound = 1 WHERE RowId = @i
                          SET @i = @i + 1
                  SELECT  SchemaName,TableName, ColumnName
                  FROM    @Temp
                  WHERE   DataFound = 1


                  To run it, just do this:

                  exec FindMyData_string 'google', 0


                  这篇关于如何在 SQL Server 数据库中搜索字符串?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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