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      Python insert numpy array into sqlite3 database(Python将numpy数组插入到sqlite3数据库中)
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              1. 本文介绍了Python将numpy数组插入到sqlite3数据库中的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                我正在尝试在 sqlite3 数据库中存储大约 1000 个浮点数的 numpy 数组,但我不断收到错误InterfaceError:错误绑定参数 1 - 可能不受支持的类型".

                I'm trying to store a numpy array of about 1000 floats in a sqlite3 database but I keep getting the error "InterfaceError: Error binding parameter 1 - probably unsupported type".

                我的印象是 BLOB 数据类型可以是任何类型,但它绝对不适用于 numpy 数组.这是我尝试过的:

                I was under the impression a BLOB data type could be anything but it definitely doesn't work with a numpy array. Here's what I tried:

                import sqlite3 as sql
                import numpy as np
                con = sql.connect('test.bd',isolation_level=None)
                cur = con.cursor()
                cur.execute("CREATE TABLE foobar (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, array BLOB)")
                cur.execute("INSERT INTO foobar VALUES (?,?)", (None,np.arange(0,500,0.5)))

                是否有另一个模块可以用来将 numpy 数组放入表中?或者我可以将 numpy 数组转换为 SQLite 可以接受的 Python 中的另一种形式(比如我可以拆分的列表或字符串)?性能不是优先事项.我只是想让它工作!

                Is there another module I can use to get the numpy array into the table? Or can I convert the numpy array into another form in Python (like a list or string I can split) that sqlite will accept? Performance isn't a priority. I just want it to work!



                您可以使用 sqlite3 注册一个新的 array 数据类型:

                You could register a new array data type with sqlite3:

                import sqlite3
                import numpy as np
                import io
                def adapt_array(arr):
                    http://stackoverflow.com/a/31312102/190597 (SoulNibbler)
                    out = io.BytesIO()
                    np.save(out, arr)
                    return sqlite3.Binary(out.read())
                def convert_array(text):
                    out = io.BytesIO(text)
                    return np.load(out)
                # Converts np.array to TEXT when inserting
                sqlite3.register_adapter(np.ndarray, adapt_array)
                # Converts TEXT to np.array when selecting
                sqlite3.register_converter("array", convert_array)
                x = np.arange(12).reshape(2,6)
                con = sqlite3.connect(":memory:", detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES)
                cur = con.cursor()
                cur.execute("create table test (arr array)")

                通过此设置,您可以简单地插入 NumPy 数组,而无需更改语法:

                With this setup, you can simply insert the NumPy array with no change in syntax:

                cur.execute("insert into test (arr) values (?)", (x, ))

                并直接从 sqlite 检索数组作为 NumPy 数组:

                And retrieve the array directly from sqlite as a NumPy array:

                cur.execute("select arr from test")
                data = cur.fetchone()[0]
                # [[ 0  1  2  3  4  5]
                #  [ 6  7  8  9 10 11]]
                # <type 'numpy.ndarray'>




                SQLite UPSERT / UPDATE OR INSERT(SQLite UPSERT/更新或插入)
                Convert SQLITE SQL dump file to POSTGRESQL(将 SQLITE SQL 转储文件转换为 POSTGRESQL)
                Is there a way to get a list of column names in sqlite?(有没有办法在sqlite中获取列名列表?)
                How to recover a corrupt SQLite3 database?(如何恢复损坏的 SQLite3 数据库?)
                Is it possible to access an SQLite database from JavaScript?(是否可以从 JavaScript 访问 SQLite 数据库?)
                Declare variable in SQLite and use it(在 SQLite 中声明变量并使用它)

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