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      1. SQL 错误:ORA-00933:SQL 命令未正确结束

        SQL Error: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended(SQL 错误:ORA-00933:SQL 命令未正确结束)

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                  本文介绍了SQL 错误:ORA-00933:SQL 命令未正确结束的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在尝试使用联接更新 oracle SQL 开发人员中的记录.以下是我的查询-

                  I am trying to update a record in oracle SQL developer by using Joins. Following is my query-

                  UPDATE system_info set field_value = 'NewValue' 
                  FROM system_users users 
                  JOIN system_info info ON users.role_type = info.field_desc 
                  where users.user_name = 'uname'


                  However, when I tried to execute it, I got following error-

                  Error report: SQL Error: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended 
                                00933. 00000 - "SQL command not properly ended"

                  我尝试删除 JOINS

                  I tried removing JOINS

                  UPDATE system_info info 
                  SET info.field_value = 'NewValue' 
                  FROM system_users users 
                  where users.user_name = 'uname' AND users.role_type = info.field_desc


                  but still having same error can anybody tell me the error reason and solution


                  Oracle 不允许在 UPDATE 语句中连接表.你需要用一个相关的子选择重写你的语句

                  Oracle does not allow joining tables in an UPDATE statement. You need to rewrite your statement with a co-related sub-select


                  UPDATE system_info
                  SET field_value = 'NewValue' 
                  WHERE field_desc IN (SELECT role_type 
                                       FROM system_users 
                                       WHERE user_name = 'uname')

                  有关 UPDATE 语句的(有效)语法的完整说明,请阅读手册:

                  For a complete description on the (valid) syntax of the UPDATE statement, please read the manual:


                  这篇关于SQL 错误:ORA-00933:SQL 命令未正确结束的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Oracle PL/SQL - Raise User-Defined Exception With Custom SQLERRM(Oracle PL/SQL - 使用自定义 SQLERRM 引发用户定义的异常)
                  Oracle: is there a tool to trace queries, like Profiler for sql server?(Oracle:是否有跟踪查询的工具,例如用于 sql server 的 Profiler?)
                  SELECT INTO using Oracle(使用 Oracle SELECT INTO)
                  How to handle Day Light Saving in Oracle database(如何在 Oracle 数据库中处理夏令时)
                  PL/SQL - Use quot;Listquot; Variable in Where In Clause(PL/SQL - 使用“列表Where In 子句中的变量)
                  Oracle: Import CSV file(Oracle:导入 CSV 文件)

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