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      Oracle SQL 中的自定义顺序

      Custom Order in Oracle SQL(Oracle SQL 中的自定义顺序)

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                本文介绍了Oracle SQL 中的自定义顺序的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                我需要根据货币订购交易.但是我需要实现一个自定义 order by,这使得 USD 总是排在最前面,其余的应该按 asc 排序.

                I need to order transaction based on the currency. However I need to implement a custom order by, which makes the USD to always comes on the top, and the rest should be ordered asc.


                • BHT
                • 美元
                • 马币
                • JYP


                • 美元
                • BHT
                • 日元
                • 马币


                Is there a simple way to handle this?



                Don't know if this qualifies as simple:

                order by 
                       when currency = 'USD' then 1 
                       when currency = 'BHT' then 2
                       when currency = 'JPY' then 3
                       when currency = 'MYR' then 4
                       else 5

                或者更紧凑但特定于 Oracle 的:

                or a bit more compact but Oracle specific:

                order by decode(currency, 'USD', 1, 'BHT', 2, 'JPY', 3, 'MYR', 4, 5)

                上述使用数字定义排序顺序的解决方案不会自动对 case/decode 表达式中未提及的货币进行正确排序.

                The above solution using numbers to defined the sort order will not automatically sort currencies correctly that aren't mentioned in the case/decode expression.


                To simply put USD at the front and don't care about the rest, the "generated" order criteria must be a character value as well. You can use the following in that case:

                order by 
                       when currency = 'USD' then '001' 
                       else currency

                使用字母顺序"排序.这是有效的,因为字符在数字之后排序.(使用 'AAA' 而不是 '001' 也可以).

                Which uses an "alphabetical" ordering. This works because characters are sorted after the number digits. (Using 'AAA' instead of '001' would work as well).

                这篇关于Oracle SQL 中的自定义顺序的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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