我需要为 Oracle 日期列中的值添加 30 分钟.我通过指定
I need to add 30 minutes to values in a Oracle date column. I do this in my SELECT statement by specifying
to_char(date_and_time + (.000694 * 31)
大部分时间都可以正常工作.但不是当时间在 AM/PM 边界时.例如,将 30 分钟添加到 12:30
[即 PM] 返回 1:00
即 AM.我期望的答案是 13:00
which works fine most of the time. But not when the time is on the AM/PM border. For example, adding 30 minutes to 12:30
[which is PM] returns 1:00
which is AM. The answer I expect is 13:00
. What's the correct way to do this?
All of the other answers are basically right but I don't think anyone's directly answered your original question.
假设您的示例中的date_and_time"是一个类型为 DATE 或 TIMESTAMP 的列,我认为您只需要对此进行更改:
Assuming that "date_and_time" in your example is a column with type DATE or TIMESTAMP, I think you just need to change this:
to_char(date_and_time + (.000694 * 31))
to_char(date_and_time + (.000694 * 31), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI')
It sounds like your default date format uses the "HH" code for the hour, not "HH24".
此外,我认为您的常数项既令人困惑又不准确.我猜你所做的是计算出 (.000694) 大约是一分钟的值,然后将其乘以要添加的分钟数(示例中为 31,尽管您在文本中说的是 30).
Also, I think your constant term is both confusing and imprecise. I guess what you did is calculate that (.000694) is about the value of a minute, and you are multiplying it by the number of minutes you want to add (31 in the example, although you said 30 in the text).
我也会从一天开始,并将其划分为代码中所需的单位.在这种情况下,(1/48) 将是 30 分钟;或者,如果为了清楚起见,您想将其分解,可以写成 ( ((1/24) * (1/2) ).
I would also start with a day and divide it into the units you want within your code. In this case, (1/48) would be 30 minutes; or if you wanted to break it up for clarity, you could write ( (1/24) * (1/2) ).
This would avoid rounding errors (except for those inherent in floating point which should be meaningless here) and is clearer, at least to me.