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        在 Oracle 行的多列上使用数据透视表

        Using pivot on multiple columns of an Oracle row(在 Oracle 行的多列上使用数据透视表)
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                  本文介绍了在 Oracle 行的多列上使用数据透视表的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我在 Oracle 表 (tab1) 中有以下示例数据,我正在尝试将行转换为列.我知道如何在一列上使用 Oracle 数据透视表.但是是否可以将其应用于多列?

                  I have the following sample data in an Oracle table (tab1) and I am trying to convert rows to columns. I know how to use Oracle pivot on one column. But is it possible to apply it to multiple columns?


                  Type  weight  height  
                  A     50      10  
                  A     60      12  
                  B     40      8  
                  C     30      15  


                  A-count B-count C-count A-weight B-weight C-weight A-height B-height C-height  
                  2       1       1       110      40       30       22       8        15  


                  with T AS 
                  (select type, weight from tab1 )
                  select * from T
                  PIVOT (
                  for type in (A, B, C, D,E,F)


                  The above query gives me the below result

                  A B C  
                  2 1 1  

                  我可以用 sum(weight)sum(height) 替换 count(*) 以旋转高度或重量.我想做但我不能做的是在一个查询中以所有三个(计数、重量和高度)为中心.

                  I can replace count(*) with sum(weight) or sum(height) to pivot height or weight. What I am looking to do, but I can't do, is pivot on all three (count, weight and height) in one query.


                  Can it be done using pivot?


                  As 文档显示,您可以有多个聚合函数子句.所以你可以这样做:

                  As the documentation shows, you can have multiple aggregate function clauses. So you can do this:

                  select * from (
                    select * from tab1
                  pivot (
                    count(type) as ct, sum(weight) as wt, sum(height) as ht
                    for type in ('A' as A, 'B' as B, 'C' as C)
                  A_CT A_WT A_HT B_CT B_WT B_HT C_CT C_WT C_HT
                  ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
                     2  110   22    1   40    8    1   30   15 


                  If you want the columns in the order you showed then add another level of subquery:

                  select a_ct, b_ct, c_ct, a_wt, b_wt, c_wt, a_ht, b_ht, c_ht
                  from (
                    select * from (
                      select * from tab1
                    pivot (
                      count(type) as ct, sum(weight) as wt, sum(height) as ht
                      for type in ('A' as A, 'B' as B, 'C' as C)
                  A_CT B_CT C_CT A_WT B_WT C_WT A_HT B_HT C_HT
                  ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
                     2    1    1  110   40   30   22    8   15 

                  SQL 小提琴.

                  这篇关于在 Oracle 行的多列上使用数据透视表的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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