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        IN() 子句中的数组 oracle PLSQL

        Array in IN() clause oracle PLSQL(IN() 子句中的数组 oracle PLSQL)

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                  本文介绍了IN() 子句中的数组 oracle PLSQL的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我将字符串数组(plcListchar)传递给存储过程,我想在 IN() 子句中使用这个字符串数组.

                  I am passing String array(plcListchar) to Stored Procedure, i would like to use this String array in IN() clause.

                  我不能在 IN() 子句中直接使用 plcListchar.让我展示我如何在 JAVA 中创建 plcListchar 字符串数组.

                  i can not use plcListchar directly in IN() clause. Let me show how i am crating plcListchar string array in JAVA.

                   String array[] = {"o", "l"}; 
                   ArrayDescriptor des = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("CHAR_ARRAY", con);
                   ARRAY array_to_pass = new ARRAY(des,con,array);            
                   callStmtProductSearch.setArray(4, array_to_pass);

                  用于装箱 CHAR_ARRAY,

                  for crating CHAR_ARRAY,

                  create or replace type CHAR_ARRAY as table of varchar2;

                  我想在 IN 子句中使用 plcListchar.以下是我的存储过程.

                  i want use plcListchar in IN clause. the following is my Stored Procedure.

                  CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE product_search(
                              status IN varchar2, 
                              plcList IN varchar2,
                              i_culture_id IN number,
                              plcListchar IN CHAR_ARRAY,
                              status_name OUT  varchar2, 
                              culture_code  OUT varchar2)
                      CURSOR search_cursor IS
                      SELECT p.status_name, p.culture_code
                                  FROM PRISM_ITEM_cultures@prism p
                                  WHERE p.publishable_flag=1 
                                  AND p.isroll =0 
                                  AND status = '-1'
                                  AND p.plc_status IN ( );
                             OPEN search_cursor;
                             FETCH search_cursor INTO status_name, culture_code ;
                             CLOSE search_cursor;


                  Could you please suggest me how to use, if you like to suggest any other logic, it is great.


                  假设你的集合是在 SQL 中定义的,而不仅仅是在 PL/SQL 中,你可以使用 TABLE 操作符(定义你发布在语法上无效-您需要为 VARCHAR2)

                  Assuming that your collection is defined in SQL, not just in PL/SQL, you can use the TABLE operator (the definition you posted isn't syntactically valid-- you'd need to specify a length for the VARCHAR2)

                  AND p.plc_status IN (SELECT column_value
                                         FROM TABLE( plcListchar ))

                  因为我没有你的表,一个使用 SCOTT 模式的例子

                  Since I don't have your tables, an example using the SCOTT schema

                  SQL> create type ename_tbl is table of varchar2(30);
                    2  /
                  Type created.
                  SQL> ed
                  Wrote file afiedt.buf
                    1  declare
                    2    l_enames ename_tbl := ename_tbl( 'KING', 'SMITH' );
                    3  begin
                    4    for i in (select *
                    5                from emp
                    6               where ename in (select column_value
                    7                                 from table( l_enames )))
                    8    loop
                    9      dbms_output.put_line( 'ENAME = ' || i.ename );
                   10    end loop;
                   11* end;
                  SQL> /
                  ENAME = KING
                  ENAME = SMITH
                  PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

                  这篇关于IN() 子句中的数组 oracle PLSQL的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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                  Oracle: is there a tool to trace queries, like Profiler for sql server?(Oracle:是否有跟踪查询的工具,例如用于 sql server 的 Profiler?)
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