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      What exactly do quotation marks around the table name do?(表名周围的引号究竟有什么作用?)
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              • 本文介绍了表名周围的引号究竟有什么作用?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                我认为引号 (") 只是一种分组标记,但我正在调试一些 NHibernate 代码并注意到虽然

                I thought that the quotation mark (") was simply a type of grouping marker but I'm debugging some NHibernate code and notice that while

                SELECT * FROM site WHERE site_id = 3;


                SELECT * FROM "site" WHERE site_id = 3;


                fails with a table or view does not exist error.



                在 Oracle 中为标识符加上双引号会导致 Oracle 将标识符视为区分大小写,而不是使用默认的不区分大小写.如果创建的表(或列)在名称周围使用双引号,则必须始终使用双引号引用标识符并正确指定大小写(所有大写标识符除外,其中双引号没有意义)).

                Putting double-quotes around an identifier in Oracle causes Oracle to treat the identifier as case sensitive rather than using the default of case-insensitivity. If you create a table (or a column) with double-quotes around the name, you must always refer to the identifier with double quotes and by correctly specifying the case (with the exception of all upper case identifiers, where double-quotes are meaningless).

                在幕后,Oracle 总是进行区分大小写的标识符匹配.但它总是在进行匹配之前将没有双引号的标识符转换为大写.如果在标识符周围加上双引号,Oracle 会跳过转换为大写.

                Under the covers, Oracle is always doing case-sensitive identifier matching. But it always casts identifiers that are not double-quoted to upper case before doing the matching. If you put double-quotes around an identifier, Oracle skips the casting to upper case.


                So if you do something like

                CREATE TABLE my_table( 
                  col1 number,
                  col2 number


                SELECT * FROM my_table
                SELECT * FROM MY_TABLE
                SELECT * FROM My_Table
                SELECT * FROM "MY_TABLE"


                SELECT * FROM "my_table" 



                On the other hand, if you do something like

                CREATE TABLE "my_other_table"( 
                  col1 number,
                  col2 number


                SELECT * FROM my_other_table
                SELECT * FROM MY_OTHER_TABLE
                SELECT * FROM My_Other_Table
                SELECT * FROM "MY_OTHER_TABLE"


                SELECT * FROM "my_other_table" 





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                Oracle: is there a tool to trace queries, like Profiler for sql server?(Oracle:是否有跟踪查询的工具,例如用于 sql server 的 Profiler?)
                SELECT INTO using Oracle(使用 Oracle SELECT INTO)
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                Oracle: Import CSV file(Oracle:导入 CSV 文件)
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