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      1. oracle中的base64编解码

        Base64 encoding and decoding in oracle(oracle中的base64编解码)

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                  如何在 Oracle 中对值进行 Base64 编码/解码?

                  How can I do Base64 encode/decode a value in Oracle?


                  我已经实现了这一点,以通过我的 MS Exchange 服务器发送西里尔文电子邮件.

                  I've implemented this to send Cyrillic e-mails through my MS Exchange server.

                  function to_base64(t in varchar2) return varchar2 is
                      return utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(utl_encode.base64_encode(utl_raw.cast_to_raw(t)));
                  end to_base64;



                  upd: after a minor adjustment I came up with this, so it works both ways now:

                  function from_base64(t in varchar2) return varchar2 is
                    return utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(utl_encode.base64_decode(utl_raw.cast_to_raw(t)));
                  end from_base64;


                  SQL> set serveroutput on
                  SQL> declare
                    2    function to_base64(t in varchar2) return varchar2 is
                    3    begin
                    4      return utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(utl_encode.base64_encode(utl_raw.cast_to_raw(t)));
                    5    end to_base64;
                    7    function from_base64(t in varchar2) return varchar2 is
                    8    begin
                    9      return utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(utl_encode.base64_decode(utl_raw.cast_to_raw    (t)));
                   10    end from_base64;
                   12  begin
                   13    dbms_output.put_line(from_base64(to_base64('asdf')));
                   14  end;
                   15  /
                  PL/SQL procedure successfully completed

                  upd2: 好的,这里有一个适用于 CLOB 的示例转换,我刚刚想出了.尝试为您的斑点解决这个问题.:)

                  upd2: Ok, here's a sample conversion that works for CLOB I just came up with. Try to work it out for your blobs. :)

                    clobOriginal     clob;
                    clobInBase64     clob;
                    substring        varchar2(2000);
                    n                pls_integer := 0;
                    substring_length pls_integer := 2000;
                    function to_base64(t in varchar2) return varchar2 is
                      return utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(utl_encode.base64_encode(utl_raw.cast_to_raw(t)));
                    end to_base64;
                    function from_base64(t in varchar2) return varchar2 is
                      return utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(utl_encode.base64_decode(utl_raw.cast_to_raw(t)));
                    end from_base64;
                    select clobField into clobOriginal from clobTable where id = 1;
                    while true loop
                      /*we substract pieces of substring_length*/
                      substring := dbms_lob.substr(clobOriginal,
                                                   least(substring_length, substring_length * n + 1 - length(clobOriginal)),
                                                   substring_length * n + 1);  
                      /*if no substring is found  - then we've reached the end of blob*/
                      if substring is null then
                      end if;  
                      /*convert them to base64 encoding and stack it in new clob vadriable*/
                      clobInBase64 := clobInBase64 || to_base64(substring);          
                      n := n + 1;  
                    end loop;
                    n := 0;
                    clobOriginal := null;
                    /*then we do the very same thing backwards - decode base64*/
                    while true loop 
                      substring := dbms_lob.substr(clobInBase64,
                                                   least(substring_length, substring_length * n + 1 - length(clobInBase64)),
                                                   substring_length * n + 1);  
                      if substring is null then
                      end if;  
                      clobOriginal := clobOriginal || from_base64(substring);  
                      n := n + 1;  
                    end loop; 
                        /*and insert the data in our sample table - to ensure it's the same*/
                    insert into clobTable (id, anotherClobField) values (1, clobOriginal);




                  Oracle PL/SQL - Raise User-Defined Exception With Custom SQLERRM(Oracle PL/SQL - 使用自定义 SQLERRM 引发用户定义的异常)
                  Oracle: is there a tool to trace queries, like Profiler for sql server?(Oracle:是否有跟踪查询的工具,例如用于 sql server 的 Profiler?)
                  SELECT INTO using Oracle(使用 Oracle SELECT INTO)
                  How to handle Day Light Saving in Oracle database(如何在 Oracle 数据库中处理夏令时)
                  PL/SQL - Use quot;Listquot; Variable in Where In Clause(PL/SQL - 使用“列表Where In 子句中的变量)
                  Oracle: Import CSV file(Oracle:导入 CSV 文件)
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