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      • <bdo id='iWd66'></bdo><ul id='iWd66'></ul>
      1. 内连接与等连接相同吗?

        Is inner join the same as equi-join?(内连接与等连接相同吗?)
      2. <legend id='Ojk9Y'><style id='Ojk9Y'><dir id='Ojk9Y'><q id='Ojk9Y'></q></dir></style></legend>

            • <bdo id='Ojk9Y'></bdo><ul id='Ojk9Y'></ul>

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                  Can you tell me if inner join and equi-join are the same or not ?



                  An 'inner join' is not the same as an 'equi-join' in general terms.

                  'equi-join' 表示使用等式连接表操作员或等效人员.如果外连接只使用相等(其他人可能不同意),我仍然会称它为等连接".

                  'equi-join' means joining tables using the equality operator or equivalent. I would still call an outer join an 'equi-join' if it only uses equality (others may disagree).

                  'inner join' 反对 'outer join' 并确定在没有匹配值时如何连接两个集合.

                  'inner join' is opposed to 'outer join' and determines how to join two sets when there is no matching value.




                  Building a comma separated list?(建立一个逗号分隔的列表?)
                  Errors in SQL Server while importing CSV file despite varchar(MAX) being used for each column(尽管每列都使用了 varchar(MAX),但在导入 CSV 文件时 SQL Server 中出现错误)
                  How can I import an Excel file into SQL Server?(如何将 Excel 文件导入 SQL Server?)
                  Export table to file with column headers (column names) using the bcp utility and SQL Server 2008(使用 bcp 实用程序和 SQL Server 2008 将表导出到带有列标题(列名称)的文件)
                  Concat field value to string in SQL Server(将字段值连接到 SQL Server 中的字符串)
                  SQL Server Bulk insert of CSV file with inconsistent quotes(SQL Server 批量插入带有不一致引号的 CSV 文件)
                  • <i id='pNJ8c'><tr id='pNJ8c'><dt id='pNJ8c'><q id='pNJ8c'><span id='pNJ8c'><b id='pNJ8c'><form id='pNJ8c'><ins id='pNJ8c'></ins><ul id='pNJ8c'></ul><sub id='pNJ8c'></sub></form><legend id='pNJ8c'></legend><bdo id='pNJ8c'><pre id='pNJ8c'><center id='pNJ8c'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='pNJ8c'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='pNJ8c'><tfoot id='pNJ8c'></tfoot><dl id='pNJ8c'><fieldset id='pNJ8c'></fieldset></dl></div>

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