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      1. MySQL删除左连接上的重复列,3个表

        MySQL Removing duplicate columns on Left Join, 3 tables(MySQL删除左连接上的重复列,3个表)
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                1. 本文介绍了MySQL删除左连接上的重复列,3个表的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  I have three tables, each have a foreign key. When I perform a join, I get duplicate columns.


                  mysql> describe Family;
                  | Field         | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
                  | HEAD_name     | varchar(45) | NO   | PRI |         |       |
                  | Family_Size   | int(11)     | NO   |     |         |       |
                  | Gender        | char(1)     | NO   |     |         |       |
                  | ID_Number     | int(11)     | NO   |     |         |       |
                  | DOB           | date        | NO   |     |         |       |
                  | Supervisor_ID | int(11)     | NO   | MUL |         |       |
                  6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
                  mysql> describe SUPERVISOR;
                  | Field             | Type          | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
                  | Supervisor_ID     | int(11)       | NO   | PRI |         |       |
                  | Supervisor_Name   | varchar(45)   | NO   |     |         |       |
                  | Supervisor_Number | decimal(10,0) | NO   |     |         |       |
                  | Center_ID         | int(11)       | NO   | MUL |         |       |
                  4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
                  mysql> describe CENTER;
                  | Field     | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
                  | Center_ID | int(11)     | NO   | PRI |         |       |
                  | Location  | varchar(45) | NO   |     |         |       |
                  2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


                  SELECT * from Family
                     JOIN SUPERVISOR on ( Family.Supervisor_ID = SUPERVISOR.Supervisor_ID)
                     JOIN CENTER on (SUPERVISOR.Center_ID = CENTER.Center_ID); 

                  我的目标是从连接中获取所有列中的一行,而没有重复的列.那么我应该使用的 SQL 语句语法是什么?

                  My objective is to get one row of all the columns from the join without duplicate columns. So what is the SQL statement syntax that I should use?


                  默认情况下,如果您使用 *,MySQL 将返回所有表的所有列.您需要在查询中明确输入列名,以按照您想要的方式检索它们.使用查询如下:

                  By default MySQL will return all columns for all tables if you use *. You will need to explicitly enter column names in your query to retrieve them the way you want. Use the query as follows:

                  SELECT A.HEAD_name, A.Family_Size, A.Gender, A.ID_Number, A.DOB,
                      B.Supervisor_ID, B.Supervisor_Name, B.Supervisor_Number,
                      C.Center_ID, C.Location
                  FROM Family A
                  JOIN SUPERVISOR B on ( A.Supervisor_ID = B.Supervisor_ID)
                  JOIN CENTER C on (B.Center_ID = C.Center_ID);




                  How to update a record using sequelize for node?(如何使用节点的 sequelize 更新记录?)
                  How to provide a mysql database connection in single file in nodejs(如何在 nodejs 中的单个文件中提供 mysql 数据库连接)
                  Looping Over Result Sets in MySQL(在 MySQL 中循环结果集)
                  What are the advantages of VistaDB(VistaDB有什么优势)
                  SQLite insert speed slows as number of records increases due to an index(SQLite 插入速度随着索引数量的增加而变慢)
                  sqlite select with condition on date(sqlite 选择日期条件)
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