最近与我共事的一位同事告诉我,SQL Express 和 MS Access 本质上是一回事;这似乎不是一个准确的说法.我知道您可以将 Access 转换为 SQL DB,也许在幕后它们是相似的,但我认为 SQL DB 引擎和用于运行访问的内容不一样.不仅如此,SQL语句的语法等等我知道的都不一样.
A colleague I work with recently told me that SQL Express and MS Access were essentially the same thing; that does not seem to be an accurate statement. I know you can convert Access to a SQL DB and maybe under the covers they are similar, but I would assume that the SQL DB engine and what is used to run access are not the same. Not only that, but the SQL statement syntax, etc. I know are not the same.
I am mainly trying to understand so that I am more informed about the versions.
首先,我需要澄清一些术语.MS Access 是一种快速应用程序开发 (RAD) 工具,可让您快速构建绑定到关系数据的表单和报表.它带有一个基于文件的数据库引擎 (Jet/ACE).
First off, I need to clear up some terminology. MS Access is a Rapid Application Development (RAD) tool that allows you to quickly build forms and reports that are bound to relational data. It comes with a file-based database engine (Jet/ACE).
访问 RAD 工具可用于许多不同的后端数据库(Jet、SQL Server、任何支持 ODBC 的数据库等).我必须假设您的同事专门评论了 Jet/ACE,即 MS Access 使用的数据库引擎.
Access the RAD tool can be used with many different backend databases (Jet, SQL Server, any db that supports ODBC, etc). I have to assume your colleague was specifically commenting on Jet/ACE, ie the database engine that MS Access uses.
我认为 Jet/ACE 数据库引擎 和 MS SQL Server Express 是Jet/ACE 基于文件,SQL Server Express 使用客户端/服务器模型强>.这意味着 SQL Server Express 需要一个正在运行的服务来提供对数据存储的访问.在某些情况下,这可能会使部署复杂化.
I think the single biggest difference between the Jet/ACE database engine and MS SQL Server Express is that Jet/ACE is file-based and SQL Server Express uses a client/server model. This means that SQL Server Express requires a running service to provide access to the datastore. This can complicate deployment in some scenarios.
SQL Server Express 实际上只是 SQL Server 的一个限制版本:最大数据库大小为 4GB(在 2008R2 中为 10GB),仅使用单个物理 CPU 等.这些限制是为了防止大型组织自由使用可用 Express 版本代替完整的 SQL Server 安装.其结果是 SQL Server Express 为 SQL Server 提供了真正无缝的升级路径.它也是(一般来说)比 Jet/ACE 更健壮和功能齐全的数据库管理系统.
SQL Server Express is really just a throttled-back version of SQL Server: max database size of 4GB (10GB in 2008R2), only uses a single physical CPU, etc. These limitations are imposed to prevent large organizations from using the freely available Express edition in place of a full-blown SQL Server install. The upshot to this is that SQL Server Express offers a truly seamless upgrade path to SQL Server. It is also (generally speaking) a more robust and fully featured database management system then Jet/ACE.
- 关系数据库管理系统
- 由微软编写
- MS 访问
- 基于文件
- 免费的可分发运行时(2007 或更高版本)
- RAD 工具(表单/报表设计器)
- 使用 Jet SQL
- 最大文件大小 2GB
- 客户端/服务器模型
- 免费
- 没有 RAD 工具
- 使用 Transact-SQL
- 最大数据库大小 4GB(SSE R2 为 10GB),最多 1 个物理 CPU
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