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        Recursive sum in tree structure(树结构中的递归求和)
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                  我在一个表中有一个树结构.该表是可以无限嵌套的类别树.每个类别都有一个 ProductCount 列,用于说明该类别中直接包含的产品数量(不汇总子类别).

                  I have a tree struture in a single table. The table is a tree of categories that can be nested endlessly. Each category has a ProductCount column that tells how many products are directly in the category (not summing child categories).

                  Id  | ParentId | Name      | ProductCount
                  1   | -1       | Cars      | 0
                  2   | -1       | Bikes     | 1
                  3   | 1        | Ford      | 10
                  4   | 3        | Mustang   | 7
                  5   | 3        | Focus     | 4

                  我想做一个 sql 查询,为每一行/类别提供产品数量,包括子类别中的产品.

                  I would like to make a sql query that for each row/category gives me the number of products including the ones in the child categories.


                  Id  | ParentId | Name      | ProductCount | ProductCountIncludingChildren
                  1   | -1       | Cars      | 0            | 21
                  2   | -1       | Bikes     | 1            | 1
                  3   | 1        | Ford      | 10           | 21
                  4   | 3        | Mustang   | 7            | 7
                  5   | 3        | Focus     | 4            | 4

                  我知道我可能应该使用 CTE,但不能让它以应有的方式工作.

                  I know I probably should use CTE, but cant quite get it working the way it should.



                  你可以使用递归 CTE,在锚部分获取所有行,在递归部分连接获取子行.记住来自锚部分的原始 Id 别名 RootID 并在按 RootID 分组的主查询中做 sum 聚合.

                  You can use a recursive CTE where you in the anchor part get all rows and in the recursive part join to get the child rows. Remember the original Id aliased RootID from the anchor part and do sum aggregate in the main query grouped by RootID.

                  SQL 小提琴

                  MS SQL Server 2012 架构设置:

                  create table T
                    Id int primary key,
                    ParentId int,
                    Name varchar(10),
                    ProductCount int
                  insert into T values
                  (1, -1, 'Cars',    0),
                  (2, -1, 'Bikes',   1),
                  (3,  1, 'Ford',    10),
                  (4,  3, 'Mustang', 7),
                  (5,  3, 'Focus',   4);
                  create index IX_T_ParentID on T(ParentID) include(ProductCount, Id);

                  查询 1:

                  with C as
                    select T.Id,
                           T.Id as RootID
                    from T
                    union all
                    select T.Id,
                    from T
                      inner join C 
                        on T.ParentId = C.Id
                  select T.Id,
                  from T
                    inner join (
                               select RootID,
                                      sum(ProductCount) as ProductCountIncludingChildren
                               from C
                               group by RootID
                               ) as S
                      on T.Id = S.RootID
                  order by T.Id
                  option (maxrecursion 0)


                  |  1 |       -1 |    Cars |            0 |                            21 |
                  |  2 |       -1 |   Bikes |            1 |                             1 |
                  |  3 |        1 |    Ford |           10 |                            21 |
                  |  4 |        3 | Mustang |            7 |                             7 |
                  |  5 |        3 |   Focus |            4 |                             4 |




                  Building a comma separated list?(建立一个逗号分隔的列表?)
                  Errors in SQL Server while importing CSV file despite varchar(MAX) being used for each column(尽管每列都使用了 varchar(MAX),但在导入 CSV 文件时 SQL Server 中出现错误)
                  How can I import an Excel file into SQL Server?(如何将 Excel 文件导入 SQL Server?)
                  Export table to file with column headers (column names) using the bcp utility and SQL Server 2008(使用 bcp 实用程序和 SQL Server 2008 将表导出到带有列标题(列名称)的文件)
                  Concat field value to string in SQL Server(将字段值连接到 SQL Server 中的字符串)
                  SQL Server Bulk insert of CSV file with inconsistent quotes(SQL Server 批量插入带有不一致引号的 CSV 文件)
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