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    2. SQL Server 中最优雅的生成排列的方法

      The most elegant way to generate permutations in SQL server(SQL Server 中最优雅的生成排列的方法)

          <i id='dkQRy'><tr id='dkQRy'><dt id='dkQRy'><q id='dkQRy'><span id='dkQRy'><b id='dkQRy'><form id='dkQRy'><ins id='dkQRy'></ins><ul id='dkQRy'></ul><sub id='dkQRy'></sub></form><legend id='dkQRy'></legend><bdo id='dkQRy'><pre id='dkQRy'><center id='dkQRy'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='dkQRy'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='dkQRy'><tfoot id='dkQRy'></tfoot><dl id='dkQRy'><fieldset id='dkQRy'></fieldset></dl></div>
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              1. 本文介绍了SQL Server 中最优雅的生成排列的方法的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                Index | Element
                  1   |    A
                  2   |    B
                  3   |    C
                  4   |    D


                We want to generate all the possible permutations (without repetitions) using the elements. the final result (skipping some rows) will look like this:

                  (24 Rows)




                After making some perhaps snarky comments, this problem stuck in my brain all evening, and I eventually came up with the following set-based approach. I believe it definitely qualifies as "elegant", but then I also think it qualifies as "kinda dumb". You make the call.


                --  For testing purposes
                DROP TABLE Source
                DROP TABLE Numbers
                DROP TABLE Results
                --  Add as many rows as need be processed--though note that you get N! (number of rows, factorial) results,
                --  and that gets big fast. The Identity column must start at 1, or the algorithm will have to be adjusted.
                --  Element could be more than char(1), though the algorithm would have to be adjusted again, and each element
                --  must be the same length.
                CREATE TABLE Source
                   SourceId  int      not null  identity(1,1)
                  ,Element   char(1)  not null
                INSERT Source (Element) values ('A')
                INSERT Source (Element) values ('B')
                INSERT Source (Element) values ('C')
                INSERT Source (Element) values ('D')
                --INSERT Source (Element) values ('E')
                --INSERT Source (Element) values ('F')
                --  This is a standard Tally table (or "table of numbers")
                --  It only needs to be as long as there are elements in table Source
                CREATE TABLE Numbers (Number int not null)
                INSERT Numbers (Number) values (1)
                INSERT Numbers (Number) values (2)
                INSERT Numbers (Number) values (3)
                INSERT Numbers (Number) values (4)
                INSERT Numbers (Number) values (5)
                INSERT Numbers (Number) values (6)
                INSERT Numbers (Number) values (7)
                INSERT Numbers (Number) values (8)
                INSERT Numbers (Number) values (9)
                INSERT Numbers (Number) values (10)
                --  Results are iteratively built here. This could be a temp table. An index on "Length" might make runs
                --  faster for large sets.  Combo must be at least as long as there are characters to be permuted.
                CREATE TABLE Results
                   Combo   varchar(10)  not null
                  ,Length  int          not null


                SET NOCOUNT on
                  @Loop     int
                 ,@MaxLoop  int
                --  How many elements there are to process
                SELECT @MaxLoop = max(SourceId)
                 from Source
                --  Initialize first value
                TRUNCATE TABLE Results
                INSERT Results (Combo, Length)
                 select Element, 1
                  from Source
                  where SourceId = 1
                SET @Loop = 2
                --  Iterate to add each element after the first
                WHILE @Loop <= @MaxLoop
                    --  See comments below. Note that the "distinct" remove duplicates, if a given value
                    --  is to be included more than once
                    INSERT Results (Combo, Length)
                     select distinct
                        left(re.Combo, @Loop - nm.Number)
                        + so.Element
                        + right(re.Combo, nm.Number - 1)
                      from Results re
                       inner join Numbers nm
                        on nm.Number <= @Loop
                       inner join Source so
                        on so.SourceId = @Loop
                      where re.Length = @Loop - 1
                    --  For performance, add this in if sets will be large
                    --DELETE Results
                    -- where Length <> @Loop
                    SET @Loop = @Loop + 1
                --  Show results
                SELECT *
                 from Results
                 where Length = @MaxLoop
                 order by Combo

                一般的想法是:当向任何字符串(例如A")添加新元素(例如B")时,要捕获所有排列,您将添加 B到所有可能的位置 (Ba, aB),产生一组新的字符串.然后迭代:向字符串中的每个位置添加一个新元素(C)(AB 变为 Cab, aCb, abC),对于所有字符串 (Cba, bCa, baC),您就有了一组排列.迭代每个结果集下一个字符,直到用完字符...或资源.10 个元素是 360 万个排列,上述算法大约为 48MB,14 个(唯一)元素将达到 870 亿个排列和 1.163 TB.

                The general idea is: when adding a new element (say "B") to any string (say, "A"), to catch all permutations you would add B to all possible positions (Ba, aB), resulting in a new set of strings. Then iterate: Add a new element (C) to each position in a string (AB becomes Cab, aCb, abC), for all strings (Cba, bCa, baC), and you have the set of permutations. Iterate over each result set with the next character until you run out of characters... or resources. 10 elements is 3.6 million permutations, roughly 48MB with the above algorithm, and 14 (unique) elements would hit 87 billion permutations and 1.163 terabytes.

                我确信它最终会被嵌入到 CTE 中,但最终这将是一个美化的循环.逻辑这样更清晰,我不禁认为CTE执行计划将是一场噩梦.

                I'm sure it could eventually be wedged into a CTE, but in the end all that would be is a glorified loop. The logic is clearer this way, and I can't help but think the CTE execution plan would be a nightmare.

                这篇关于SQL Server 中最优雅的生成排列的方法的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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                Concat field value to string in SQL Server(将字段值连接到 SQL Server 中的字符串)
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              2. <i id='L4Dft'><tr id='L4Dft'><dt id='L4Dft'><q id='L4Dft'><span id='L4Dft'><b id='L4Dft'><form id='L4Dft'><ins id='L4Dft'></ins><ul id='L4Dft'></ul><sub id='L4Dft'></sub></form><legend id='L4Dft'></legend><bdo id='L4Dft'><pre id='L4Dft'><center id='L4Dft'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='L4Dft'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='L4Dft'><tfoot id='L4Dft'></tfoot><dl id='L4Dft'><fieldset id='L4Dft'></fieldset></dl></div>
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