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      1. 在sqlite中插入int时不支持参数

        parameter unsupported when inserting int in sqlite(在sqlite中插入int时不支持参数)
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                  我一直在反复在 SQLite3 中存储日期和时间,目的是稍后使用比较检索记录,例如SELECT * WHERE date1 <日期2

                  I have been going around and around with storing date and time in SQLite3 with the intention of retrieving the records using comparisons later e.g. SELECT * WHERE date1 < date2

                  我终于放弃了存储 datetime.datetime 对象的尝试,并决定使用 UNIX 时间戳,因为它们只是一个 int 且易于操作,但我仍然遇到错误.

                  I finally gave up trying to store datetime.datetime objects and decided to use a UNIX timestamp instead as they are just an int and easy to manipulate but I am still getting errors.

                  import sqlite3 as lite
                  import datetime
                  import time
                  conn = lite.connect('dispatcher.db')
                  cur = conn.cursor()
                  query = "create table if not exists new_test (curent_dt)"
                  now = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(minutes=60)
                  temp = int(time.mktime(now.timetuple()))
                  cur.execute('insert into new_test (curent_dt) values (? )', (temp))


                  cur.execute('insert into new_test (curent_dt) values (? )', (temp))ValueError: 参数的类型不受支持

                  cur.execute('insert into new_test (curent_dt) values (? )', (temp)) ValueError: parameters are of unsupported type


                  After investigating the problem a little further I found that you have to use a trailing comma to create a single element tuple e.g. (temp,)



                  Note the added comma after "temp" below:

                  cur.execute('insert into new_test (curent_dt) values (?)', (temp,))

                  发生这种情况的原因是 (temp) 是一个整数,而 (temp,) 是一个包含 temp 的长度为 1 的元组.

                  The reason this happens is that (temp) is an integer but (temp,) is a tuple of length one containing temp.




                  SQLite loop statements?(SQLite 循环语句?)
                  Can I use parameters for the table name in sqlite3?(我可以在 sqlite3 中使用表名的参数吗?)
                  SQL - Inserting a row and returning primary key(SQL - 插入一行并返回主键)
                  How to get the number of rows of the selected result from sqlite3?(如何从sqlite3中获取所选结果的行数?)
                  Python : How to insert a dictionary to a sqlite database?(Python:如何将字典插入到 sqlite 数据库中?)
                  What are the advantages of VistaDB(VistaDB有什么优势)

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