我在接收几个参数的过程中使用了一个简单的游标.然后我在一个选择查询上创建一个带有多个条件的 where 子句的游标,这些条件等于接收到的参数.这个游标应该只返回 1 行,而是返回多行.我发现了这一点,因为我正在使用 for 循环遍历此游标并根据此游标的值将某些内容插入到另一个表中.
I am using a simple cursor in a procedure that receives a couple of parameters. I then make a cursor on a select query with a where clause with multiple conditions, which are equal to the received parameters. This cursor should only return 1 row, instead it returns multiple rows. I found this out because I'm using a for loop to go through this cursor and insert something into another table based on the values of this cursor.
当我静态地在数据库上运行查询时(如在没有 pl/sql 的情况下)我得到了我所期望的,但是当我从一个只返回一行的游标中执行它并在 for 循环中运行它时,循环进行多次迭代.这怎么可能?
When I run the query on the database statically(as in without pl/sql) I get what I expect, but when I do it from a cursor which should return only one row, and run it in a for loop, the loop does multiple iterations. How is this possible?
这应该只返回一行,但我的光标返回 %rowcount 是 10.
This should return only one row, but instead my cursor returns %rowcount is 10.
如果 SQL 语句引用的名称既属于列又属于局部变量或形参,则列名优先.
If a SQL statement references a name that belongs to both a column and either a local variable or formal parameter, then the column name takes precedence.
When a variable or parameter name is interpreted as a column name, data can be deleted, changed, or inserted unintentionally.
前四项检查总是为真(除非您有空值),因此您将获得具有 done = 'N'
The first four checks are always going to be true (unless you have null values), so you'll get every row that has done = 'N'
Change your local variable names to something else; it's fairly common to use a prefix to distinguish between local variables, parameters, and columns, something like:
如果这是在存储过程中,而不是在匿名块中,您可以使用过程/函数名称作为前缀,有些人更喜欢这样.例如,如果你的过程被称为 myproc
If this is in a stored procedure, rather than an anonymous block, you could use the procedure/function name as a prefix, which some people prefer. If your procedure was called myproc
, for example, you could do: