MySQL 中一个简单的存储过程:
A simple stored procedure in MySQL:
启动 Rails 控制台:
Starts Rails console:
Looks good. BUT, any more call to the same stored procedure via the existing connection will result in an Commands out of sync error:
The error can be cleared by a "reload!" command in the console:
如何从 Rails 调用 MySQL 存储过程?
How can I call MySQL stored procedure from Rails?
使用 ActiveRecord::Base.connections.exec_query()
是我可以告诉 很多 更好的方法,因为它返回一组哈希值期望,ActiveRecord::Base.connections.execute
Using ActiveRecord::Base.connections.exec_query()
is as far as I can tell a MUCH better approach just because it returns an array of hashes as one would expect, which ActiveRecord::Base.connections.execute
does not.
虽然我意识到这个问题已经很老了,而且因为 ohho 发布的链接有 404'd,但我最近遇到了同样的错误.
While I realise this question is quite old and because the links ohho posted have 404'd, I had this same error recently.
I was able to fix it by doing the following:
result = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("调用example_proc()")ActiveRecord::Base.clear_active_connections!
清除连接后,您可以运行任何其他查询,而之前尝试通过 rails 或其他存储过程访问数据库时会失败.
Once you've cleared connections, you can run any other queries where as before it would have failed on trying to access the database through rails or another stored proc.
还值得一提的是,根据 leente 在此 链接
It's also worth mentioning that one shouldn't store the ActiveRecord connection in a variable as per leente's post on this link
Don’t store a connection in a variable, because another thread might try to use it when it’s already checked back in into the connection pool. See: ConnectionPool"
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