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      2. SQL Server 中的处理日期

        Handling date in SQL Server(SQL Server 中的处理日期)
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                • 本文介绍了SQL Server 中的处理日期的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在使用 asp.net 开发一个网站.我从网页获取日期,然后根据用户输入我想从 SQL Server 数据库(使用存储过程)获取结果.

                  I am working on a website in asp.net. I am getting a date from a web page and then depending on the user input I want to get results from SQL Server database (using stored procedures).

                  问题是我只能从 UI 中获取这种格式的日期 2016-10-08 ,它是字符串类型.但是在数据库中,我有一个 datetime 类型的列,格式为 2016-10-08 17:38:00.000.

                  Problem is that I am getting date only from UI in this format 2016-10-08 which is of type string. But in the database, I have a column which is of type datetime in this format 2016-10-08 17:38:00.000.


                  I am using this query to search but it does not work.

                  select * 
                  from table 
                  where acceptedDate like @sDate+ '%';

                  其中 sDate 是存储过程的输入参数.请帮忙.谢谢

                  where sDate is input parameter for stored procedure. Please help. thanks


                  不要将日期作为字符串传递.将它们作为 DateTime 传递.
                  .Net DateTime 直接映射 到 SQL Server 的 DateTime.您所要做的就是将字符串解析为 .Net 代码中的 DateTime 结构,并将其作为参数传递给您的存储过程.要搜索特定日期并忽略 DateTime 的时间部分,最好在您的 sql 中使用 >=< :

                  Don't pass dates as strings. Pass them as DateTime.
                  The .Net DateTime maps directly to SQL Server's DateTime. All you have to do is parse the string to a DateTime struct in your .Net code and pass it as a parameter to your stored procedure. To search for a specific date and ignore the Time portion of the DateTime, better use >= and < in your sql:

                  select * 
                  from table 
                  where acceptedDate >= @Date
                  AND acceptedDate < DATEADD(DAY, 1, @Date);

                  这篇关于SQL Server 中的处理日期的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  Accessing another user#39;s table within an Oracle Stored Procedure(在 Oracle 存储过程中访问另一个用户的表)
                  Maximum stored procedure, function, trigger, or view nesting level exceeded (limit 32)(超出最大存储过程、函数、触发器或视图嵌套级别(限制 32))
                  How to View Oracle Stored Procedure using SQLPlus?(如何使用 SQLPlus 查看 Oracle 存储过程?)
                  How to debug stored procedure in VS 2015?(如何在 VS 2015 中调试存储过程?)
                  How to Pass Java List of Objects to Oracle Stored Procedure Using MyBatis?(如何使用 MyBatis 将 Java 对象列表传递给 Oracle 存储过程?)
                  Set the variable result, from query(设置变量结果,来自查询)
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