I am trying to create a unique constraint across multiple tables. I have found similar questions answered here but they don't quite capture the spirit of what I am trying to do.
As an example, I have three tables, t_Analog, t_Discrete, t_Message
我的目标是让 AppName 和 ItemName 在所有 3 个表中都是唯一的.例如,应用程序 X 中的项目名称 Y 不能同时存在于模拟表和离散表中.
My goal is to make AppName and ItemName unique across all 3 tables. For instance, an item name of Y in application X cannot exist in both analog and discrete tables.
Please note that this example is contrived, the actual data for each Type is different and large enough to make combining tables and adding a Type column pretty ugly.
If you have any suggestions on approaches to this, I would love to hear them!
---- 开始编辑 2012-04-26 13:28 CST ----
It seems there may be cause to modify the schema of this database, and that is fine.
将表合并为一个表并不是一个真正可行的选择,因为每种类型有大约 30 列不匹配(不幸的是,修改这些列不是一个选项).这可能会导致每一行中没有使用大部分列,这似乎是个坏主意.
Combining the tables into a single table is not really a viable option as there are on the order of 30 columns for each type that do not match (modifying these columns is, unfortunately, not an option). This could lead to large sections of columns not being used in each row, which seems like a bad idea.
像 John Sikora 和其他人提到的那样,添加第 4 个表可能是一种选择,但我想先验证一下.
Adding a 4th table, like John Sikora and others mention, may be an option but I would like to verify this first.
I only have one question regarding this approach. Does this enforce uniqueness across the sub tables?
例如,是否不存在具有 'id' 9 且表 t_Analog 具有 'itemId' 为 9 且 'value' 为 9.3 且同时具有 'itemId' 9 的 'Item' 和 'foo"的值?
For instance, could there not exist an 'Item' that has 'id' 9 with tables t_Analog having 'itemId' of 9 with 'value' of 9.3 and, at the same time, t_Message have 'itemId' 9 with 'Value' of "foo"?
I may not fully understand this extra table approach but I am not against it.
Please correct me if I am wrong on this.
专门为您希望唯一的这些值添加第 4 个表,然后使用一对多关系将这些键从该表链接到其他键.例如,您将拥有一个包含 ID、AppName 和 ItemName 的唯一表来组成它的 3 列.然后将此表链接到其他表.
Add a 4th table specifically for these values you want to be unique then link these keys from this table into the others using a one to many relationship. For example you will have the unique table with an ID, AppName and ItemName to make up its 3 columns. Then have this table link to the others.
关于如何做到这一点,这里是一个很好的例子使用 SQL Server 创建一对多关系
For how to do this here is a good example Create a one to many relationship using SQL Server
This is what I would do but considering your server needs you can change what is needed:
From what I can tell your syntax is fine, I simply changed it to this way simply because I am more familiar with it but either should work.
这篇关于跨多个表的 SQL 唯一约束的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!