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      2. PL/SQL 过程的同步.如何保证一次只执行一个程序?

        Synchronisation of PL/SQL procedure. How to guaranty execution of procedure only one at time?(PL/SQL 过程的同步.如何保证一次只执行一个程序?)

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                1. 本文介绍了PL/SQL 过程的同步.如何保证一次只执行一个程序?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  某些 PL/SQL 过程需要花费大量时间进行评估(如重新计算和更新大量数据).

                  Some PL/SQL procedure take a lot of time for evaluation (as recalculate and update a lot of data).


                  I want to limit numbers of execution context which evaluate this procedure to single.


                  Just do nothing if some another context execute it...

                  但我不知道在 PL/SQL 代码中使用哪些原子操作.

                  But I don't know which atomic operations to use in PL/SQL code.


                  Note: I afraid that using table row for synchronization can lead to inconsistent state in DB if server halted on middle of procedure evaluation...


                  您可以使用 DBMS_LOCK.request 生成唯一的锁句柄.只有一个会话可以同时持有这个锁.如果会话的数据库重启意外结束,锁会自动释放.

                  You can use DBMS_LOCK.request to generate a unique lock handle. Only one session can hold this lock at the same time. If the database restarts of the session ends unexpectedly, the lock will be released automatically.


                  You decide when requesting the lock if the lock will be held across commits or not.


                  SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE serial IS
                    2     l_lock_handle  VARCHAR2(128 BYTE);
                    3     l_lock_request INTEGER;
                    4  BEGIN
                    5     dbms_lock.allocate_unique(lockname => 'MY_SERIAL_PROC',
                    6                               lockhandle => l_lock_handle);
                    7     l_lock_request := dbms_lock.request(lockhandle => l_lock_handle,
                    8                                         timeout => 5,
                    9                                         release_on_commit => FALSE);
                   10     CASE l_lock_request
                   11        WHEN 0 THEN
                   12           NULL; -- success
                   13        WHEN 1 THEN
                   14           raise_application_error(-20002, 'lock already reserved');
                   15        ELSE
                   16           raise_application_error(-20001, 'Lock error: ' || l_lock_request);
                   17     END CASE;
                   18     BEGIN
                   19        ---------- serialized block of code           ----------
                   20        ---------- (lock will be kept accross commit) ----------
                   21        dbms_lock.sleep(30);
                   22        ---------- End of serialized code             ----------
                   23     EXCEPTION
                   24        WHEN OTHERS THEN -- release lock in case of uncatched error
                   25           l_lock_request := dbms_lock.release(lockhandle => l_lock_handle);
                   26           RAISE;
                   27     END;
                   28     l_lock_request := dbms_lock.release(lockhandle => l_lock_handle);
                   29  END;
                   30  /
                  Procedure created


                  I'll run two sessions at the same time:

                  Session A> exec serial;                
                                                         Session B> -- Before session A ends
                                                         Session B> exec serial;
                                                         ERROR at line 1:
                                                         ORA-20002: lock already reserved
                                                         ORA-06512: at "APPS.SERIAL", line 13
                                                         ORA-06512: at line 1
                  PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
                                                         Session B> -- After session A ends
                                                         Session B> exec serial;
                                                         PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

                  这篇关于PL/SQL 过程的同步.如何保证一次只执行一个程序?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



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