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        将表格分组为 15 分钟间隔

        Group table into 15 minute intervals(将表格分组为 15 分钟间隔)
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                1. 本文介绍了将表格分组为 15 分钟间隔的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  T-SQL、SQL Server 2008 及更高版本

                  T-SQL, SQL Server 2008 and up


                   StatusSetDateTime   | UserID | Status    | StatusEndDateTime   | StatusDuration(in seconds)
                   2012-01-01 12:00:00 | myID   | Available | 2012-01-01 13:00:00 | 3600

                  我需要将其分解为使用 15 分钟间隔的视图,例如:

                  I need to break that down into a view that uses 15 minute intervals for example:

                  IntervalStart       | UserID | Status | Duration
                  2012-01-01 12:00:00 | myID | Available | 900 
                  2012-01-01 12:15:00 | myID | Available | 900
                  2012-01-01 12:30:00 | myID | Available | 900 
                  2012-01-01 12:45:00 | myID | Available | 900 
                  2012-01-01 13:00:00 | myID | Available | 0


                  Now I've been able to search around and find some queries that will break down I found something similar for MySql Here :

                  T-SQL 的一些东西这里

                  And something for T-SQL Here

                  但在第二个示例中,他们对结果求和,而我需要将总持续时间除以用户按状态的间隔时间(900 秒).

                  But on the second example they are summing the results whereas I need to divide the total duration by the interval time (900 seconds) by user by status.


                  I was able to adapt the examples in the second link to split everything into intervals but the total duration time is returned and I cannot quite figure out how to get the Interval durations to split (and still sum up to the total original duration).



                   ;with cte as 
                      (select MIN(StatusDateTime) as MinDate
                            , MAX(StatusDateTime) as MaxDate
                            , convert(varchar(14),StatusDateTime, 120) as StartDate
                            , DATEPART(minute, StatusDateTime) /15 as GroupID
                            , UserID
                            , StatusKey
                            , avg(StateDuration) as AvgAmount
                       from AgentActivityLog
                       group by convert(varchar(14),StatusDateTime, 120)
                           , DATEPART(minute, StatusDateTime) /15
                           , Userid,StatusKey)
                    select dateadd(minute, 15*GroupID, CONVERT(datetime,StartDate+'00'))
                           as [Start Date]
                         , UserID, StatusKey, AvgAmount as [Average Amount]
                    from cte


                  ;With cte As
                     (Select DateAdd(minute
                                     , 15 * (DateDiff(minute, '20000101', StatusDateTime) / 15)
                                     , '20000101') As StatusDateTime
                           , userid, statuskey, StateDuration
                      From AgentActivityLog)
                   Select StatusDateTime, userid,statuskey,Avg(StateDuration)
                   From cte
                   Group By StatusDateTime,userid,statuskey;


                  ;with cte_max as 
                     select dateadd(mi, -15, max(StatusEndDateTime)) as EndTime, min(StatusSetDateTime) as StartTime
                     from AgentActivityLog
                  ), times as
                      select StartTime as Time from cte_max
                      union all
                      select dateadd(mi, 15, c.Time)
                      from times as c
                          cross join cte_max as cm
                      where c.Time <= cm.EndTime
                      t.Time, A.UserID, A.Status,
                          when t.Time = A.StatusEndDateTime then 0
                          else A.StatusDuration / (count(*) over (partition by A.StatusSetDateTime, A.UserID, A.Status) - 1)
                      end as Duration
                  from AgentActivityLog as A
                      left outer join times as t on t.Time >= A.StatusSetDateTime and t.Time <= A.StatusEndDateTime

                  sql 小提琴演示

                  这篇关于将表格分组为 15 分钟间隔的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!



                  SQL query to group by day(按天分组的 SQL 查询)
                  What does SQL clause quot;GROUP BY 1quot; mean?(SQL 子句“GROUP BY 1是什么意思?意思是?)
                  MySQL groupwise MAX() returns unexpected results(MySQL groupwise MAX() 返回意外结果)
                  MySQL SELECT most frequent by group(MySQL SELECT 按组最频繁)
                  Include missing months in Group By query(在 Group By 查询中包含缺失的月份)
                  Why Mysql#39;s Group By and Oracle#39;s Group by behaviours are different(为什么 Mysql 的 Group By 和 Oracle 的 Group by 行为不同)

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