想知道如何清除通知作业队列.似乎在从 2013 年到 2017 年更新 TFS 后,一些电子邮件警报卡住了一段时间.是否可以清除所有通知队列?我是否只需要清除 tfs 配置数据库中的 tbl_JobQueue 以获取A4804DCF-4BB6-4109-B61C-E59C2E8A9FF7"电子邮件通知 JobID 还是还有其他内容?谢谢.
Was wondering how to clear notification job queue. Seems after updating TFS from 2013 to 2017 some of email alerts got stuck for a period of time. Is it possible to just clear all of the notification queue? Do I just need to clear tbl_JobQueue in tfs configuration DB for a 'A4804DCF-4BB6-4109-B61C-E59C2E8A9FF7' email notification JobID or is there something else? Thanks.
一般情况下,您需要清除 [Tfs_Configuration].[dbo].[tbl_JobQueue]
中的查询,以获取邮件通知 JobID 'A4804DCF-4BB6-4109-B61C-E59C2E8A9FF7
Generally, you need to clear the queries from [Tfs_Configuration].[dbo].[tbl_JobQueue]
for the email notification JobID 'A4804DCF-4BB6-4109-B61C-E59C2E8A9FF7
If there are other deliveries, you can also clear the query based on the JobId accordingly:
', -- 邮件、soap等发送
', -- email, soap, etc. delivery
' -- 服务挂钩交付
' -- service hooks delivery
参见 解决 Visual Studio 团队服务和 TFS 通知/警报的问题
此外,如果需要,您还可以从集合 DB [Tfs_Collection].[dbo].[tbl_MailQueue]
Besides, you can also clear the queues from collection DB [Tfs_Collection].[dbo].[tbl_MailQueue]
if needed.
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