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        How to select the first row for each group in MySQL?(如何在MySQL中为每个组选择第一行?)

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                  在 C# 中是这样的:

                  In C# it would be like this:

                     .GroupBy(row => row.SomeColumn)
                     .Select(group => group
                         .OrderBy(row => row.AnotherColumn)

                  Linq-To-Sql 将其转换为以下 T-SQL 代码:

                  Linq-To-Sql translates it to the following T-SQL code:

                  SELECT [t3].[AnotherColumn], [t3].[SomeColumn]
                  FROM (
                      SELECT [t0].[SomeColumn]
                      FROM [Table] AS [t0]
                      GROUP BY [t0].[SomeColumn]
                      ) AS [t1]
                  OUTER APPLY (
                      SELECT TOP (1) [t2].[AnotherColumn], [t2].[SomeColumn]
                      FROM [Table] AS [t2]
                      WHERE (([t1].[SomeColumn] IS NULL) AND ([t2].[SomeColumn] IS NULL))
                        OR (([t1].[SomeColumn] IS NOT NULL) AND ([t2].[SomeColumn] IS NOT NULL)
                          AND ([t1].[SomeColumn] = [t2].[SomeColumn]))
                      ORDER BY [t2].[AnotherColumn]
                      ) AS [t3]
                  ORDER BY [t3].[AnotherColumn]

                  但它与 MySQL 不兼容.

                  But it is incompatible with MySQL.



                  SELECT AnotherColumn
                  FROM Table
                  GROUP BY SomeColumn

                  它有效.IIRC 在其他 RDBMS 这样的语句中是不可能的,因为不属于分组键的列被引用而没有任何类型的聚合.

                  It works. IIRC in other RDBMS such statement is impossible, because a column that doesn't belongs to the grouping key is being referenced without any sort of aggregation.


                  This "quirk" behaves very closely to what I want. So I used it to get the result I wanted:

                  SELECT * FROM 
                   SELECT * FROM `table`
                   ORDER BY AnotherColumn
                  ) t1
                  GROUP BY SomeColumn




                  What does SQL clause quot;GROUP BY 1quot; mean?(SQL 子句“GROUP BY 1是什么意思?意思是?)
                  MySQL groupwise MAX() returns unexpected results(MySQL groupwise MAX() 返回意外结果)
                  MySQL SELECT most frequent by group(MySQL SELECT 按组最频繁)
                  Include missing months in Group By query(在 Group By 查询中包含缺失的月份)
                  Why Mysql#39;s Group By and Oracle#39;s Group by behaviours are different(为什么 Mysql 的 Group By 和 Oracle 的 Group by 行为不同)
                  MySQL GROUP BY DateTime +/- 3 seconds(MySQL GROUP BY DateTime +/- 3 秒)
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