
What#39;s the difference between MyISAM and InnoDB?(MyISAM 和 InnoDB 有什么区别?)
Difference between Key, Primary Key, Unique Key and Index in MySQL(MySQL中键、主键、唯一键和索引的区别)
Setting the MySQL root user password on OS X(在 OS X 上设置 MySQL root 用户密码)
How do I restore a dump file from mysqldump?(如何从 mysqldump 恢复转储文件?)
Create new user in MySQL and give it full access to one database(在 MySQL 中创建新用户并授予它对一个数据库的完全访问权限)
Can a table field contain a hyphen?(表字段可以包含连字符吗?)
Connect By Prior Equivalent for MySQL(按 MySQL 的先前等效项连接)
SQL: Find the max record per group(SQL:查找每组的最大记录)
How to extract two consecutive digits from a text field in MySQL?(如何从 MySQL 中的文本字段中提取两个连续数字?)
Why is the estimated rows count very different in phpmyadmin results?(为什么 phpmyadmin 结果中估计的行数有很大不同?)
How to remove all non-alpha numeric characters from a string in MySQL?(如何从 MySQL 中的字符串中删除所有非字母数字字符?)
Can a foreign key reference a non-unique index?(外键可以引用非唯一索引吗?)