TSQL matching as many comma-separated tags as possible(TSQL 匹配尽可能多的逗号分隔标签)
Get Group By Column in result set without using CTE(在不使用 CTE 的情况下在结果集中按列获取分组)
Split string put into an array(拆分字符串放入数组)
I need to calculate values for a record in a database based off of other values in other records(我需要根据其他记录中的其他值计算数据库中记录的值)
Split date range into months (Using CTE)(将日期范围拆分为几个月(使用 CTE))
Generate data from 1 to specific value(生成从 1 到特定值的数据)
Hierarchy relationship SQL query(层次关系SQL查询)
Removing a constraint in T-SQL by alter table command - problem(通过 alter table 命令删除 T-SQL 中的约束 - 问题)
Count number of repeated character in a given string(计算给定字符串中重复字符的数量)
Force recalculation of GetDate() for each row(为每一行强制重新计算 GetDate())
insert data into several tables - possibly using OUTPUT - sql server 2005(将数据插入多个表 - 可能使用 OUTPUT - sql server 2005)
Specific day of current month and current year from date time SQL Server 2005(从日期时间 SQL Server 2005 当前月份和当前年份的特定日期)