
INSERT EXEC Statement cannot be nested(INSERT EXEC 语句不能嵌套)
SQL Server Table Not Using Default Value(SQL Server 表不使用默认值)
Setting version column in append only table(在仅附加表中设置版本列)
SQL Server : populate MAX(column) value with 0 for non existing rows(SQL Server:用 0 为不存在的行填充 MAX(列)值)
Passing multiple values for same variable in stored procedure(在存储过程中为同一变量传递多个值)
SQL Server - Querying sysobjects(SQL Server - 查询系统对象)
get row number of record in resultset sql server(获取结果集sql server中记录的行号)
Limit xml-namespaces to only the main root(将 xml-namespaces 限制为仅主根)
Script to update a column(更新列的脚本)
Selecting rows based on minimum value of one column(根据一列的最小值选择行)
SQL Server user defined function to calculate age bracket(SQL Server 用户定义函数来计算年龄段)
@@TRANCOUNT and a current connection(@@TRANCOUNT 和当前连接)