我有一个我想测试的类.只要有可能,我就会对依赖于其他类对象的类进行依赖注入.但是,我遇到了一个案例,我想在不重组对象的情况下模拟对象代码而不是应用 DI.
I have a class which I would like to test.Whenever possible I would do dependency injections for that class which depends on object of other classes.But,I ran into a case where I would like to mock the object without restructuring the code and not appling DI.
public class Dealer {
public int show(CarListClass car){
Print print=new Print();
List<String> list=new LinkedList<String>();
System.out.println("Size of car list :"+list.size());
int printedLines=car.printDelegate(print);
System.out.println("Num of lines printed"+printedLines);
return num;
public class Tester {
Dealer dealer;
CarListClass car=mock(CarListClass.class);
List<String> carTest;
Print print=mock(Print.class);
public void setUp() throws Exception {
dealer=new Dealer();
carTest=new LinkedList<String>();
public void test() {
int no=dealer.show(car);
assertEquals(2,number);//not worried about assert as of now
我想不出一个解决方案来模拟 Dealer 类中的打印对象.因为,我在 Test 类中模拟它,但它是在被测方法中创建的.我做了我的研究,但不能找到任何好的资源.
I couldn't figure out a solution to mock the print object inside the Dealer class.Since,I mock it in the Test class,but it gets created in the method under test.I did my research,but couldn't find any good resource.
I know taking Print object creation out of this method and Injection the object is the better way,but I would like to test the code as it is ,with the print object being created inside the method.Is there any way to do this
如果你只是想mock car.printDelegate() 的返回值,那么mock 任何Print 实例来调用怎么样?
If you just want to mock the return value of car.printDelegate(), how about mock any Print instance for the call?
By the way, I'm confusing about your following code:-
List<String> list=new LinkedList<String>(); // allocate a empty list worth
list=car.getList(); // nothing but wasting memory.
return num; // no definition, do you mean printedLines?