mockito 回调和获取参数值

mockito callbacks and getting argument values(mockito 回调和获取参数值)
本文介绍了mockito 回调和获取参数值的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我没有任何运气让 Mockito 捕获函数参数值!我正在模拟搜索引擎索引,而不是构建索引,我只是使用哈希.

I'm not having any luck getting Mockito to capture function argument values! I am mocking a search engine index and instead of building an index, I'm just using a hash.

// Fake index for solr
Hashmap<Integer,Document> fakeIndex;

// Add a document 666 to the fakeIndex
SolrIndexReader reader = Mockito.mock(SolrIndexReader.class);

// Give the reader access to the fake index


I can't use arbitrary arguments because I'm testing the results of queries (ie which documents they return). Likewise, I don't want to specify a specific value for and have a line for each document!


我查看了 使用 Mockito 页面上的回调部分.不幸的是,它不是 Java,我无法将自己的解释用于 Java.

I looked at the callbacks section on the Using Mockito page. Unfortunately, it isn't Java and I couldn't get my own interpretation of that to work in Java.

编辑(澄清):如何让 Mockito 捕获参数 X 并将其传递给我的函数?我想将 X 的确切值(或引用)传递给函数.

EDIT (for clarification): How do I get get Mockito to capture an argument X and pass it into my function? I want the exact value (or ref) of X passed to the function.


I do not want to enumerate all cases, and arbitrary argument won't work because I'm testing for different results for different queries.

Mockito 页面显示

The Mockito page says

val mockedList = mock[List[String]]
mockedList.get(anyInt) answers { i => "The parameter is " + i.toString } 


That's not java, and I don't know how to translate into java or pass whatever happened into a function.


我没用过 Mockito,但是想学,就这样吧.如果有人比我不知道答案,请先尝试他们的答案!

I've never used Mockito, but want to learn, so here goes. If someone less clueless than me answers, try their answer first!

Mockito.when(reader.document(anyInt())).thenAnswer(new Answer() {
 public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) {
     Object[] args = invocation.getArguments();
     Object mock = invocation.getMock();
     return document(fakeIndex((int)(Integer)args[0]));

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